Original Post
Great Work of Art
Greetings, may this be a story of true marksmanship towards perfection in the artworld. They say art never is perfected, only abandoned... But I think they're dumb and I'll prove them all wrong with this post!

The requirements of this piece of art I had chosen was not free. An investion of 20$ had to be given, not a big price for a higher goal of accomplishment.

img #1

As you can see, proper selection of wares were of much importance.
Since the focus of the subject involved edibles, it had to be sure that nothing of hazard was involved, even though parrots are well evolved beyond the dangers of being eaten.
Perfect art needs perfect preparation.

img #2

Here we see the pure white ware which is to be used shortly.

img #3-4

To start off with a masterpiece one needs to start from the beginning.
Here we see me shape the basic bodywork of the soon-to-be parrot.

img #5

And here we go constructing the pieces for the wings, which is a crucial part in making the artwork complete.
It's a less known fact that parrots are the worlds fastest and agile flyers.

img #6

To preserve the object of value one has to make sure it doesn't ascend above the melting point. Put the work-in-progress in the freezer up to 30 minutes to make sure of that every five minutes.
It's a less known fact that parrots can endure both extreme high and low temperatures without a negative reaction for very long periods of time.

img #7

A parrots head is important to its very being as many vital organs are stored in that general area.
Therefore it is most important that it is made with grave caution and precision.
It's a less known fact that parrots can endure massive forces of trauma without a negative impact on their heads.

img #10

The beak of a parrot is a core tool when it comes to feeding, and hunting ducks.
It's a less known fact that the beak is made of garlic pressurized diamonds with an ebon shell.

img #11-12

Here we see more progress in the making, where the basic needs and functions of a healthy parrot are implemented.
It's a less known fact that parrots can pinpoint a hunted duck from several miles away.


What is a parrot without its color? Perfect.
Yet upon realization, it was decided that the work of wonder would take no hit in being spiced up a little.

I hope this post was thoroughly enjoyed.

Disclaimer: No parrots were hurt during the making of this period.

PS. Large images due to failure of capturing the detailwork of this masterpiece upon downscaling. If preferred, you may have a look at my portfolio (clickity)


Last edited by Swepples; Dec 24, 2016 at 03:50 AM.
Owner of Fred
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