Endurance Onslaught 6.0
I'd take an all-terrain vehicle, load it up with jerry cans, any weapons from a local gun shop and buckets of supplies and try to keep mobile for however long I have to. The zombies will die of starvation eventually.
I would run to the mall and into the UV-lit glow golf place! Also, I would bring some stuffs for making Van de Graff Generators. And of course I would bring all meh foods and a crowbar. Hopefully someone there would know how to lower the iron gate thingy they use when the mall closes. Also, I win cuz the zombies cant get me cuz i'm on HAWAII!!!
Proud iCoF Leiutenant.You strike first. I strike last.
I would Go someplace near a Grocery store. I would take all the meat and Put it away from me with Multiple items of clothing and What not to attract the zombies while i hid some place Small enough for just me like a Cellar or a Attic with some weapons that would work at close range and wouldn't make to much noise. Also id have bottles of perfume with me to keep the scent of meat off of me.
Back from le-dead
First i would try to call my friend. If he survived together we run to some safe place or try to find some survivors or some police mans with guns or other guys and some food. I can't do nothing big i am just a little boy.(xD) I don't even have any gun.
i'm going to assume running away to mars isn't an option?

If so first get some friends, maybe some that run a little slower then me so i can let them be eaten by zombies first while on the move. Then we keep a steady north-ward travel, with plenty of weapons and food, into colder climate were the zombies shouldn't function as well and eventually freeze solid. After that either A work on a cure or B chill at the north pole with Santa.

Or you could just go to the nearest tanning bed place with a generator operated by like a bike or something so it isn't as noisy and keep all of them on at once so the zombies don't come in and i get a great tan
iCoF l OLDA l OoT
First of all I would prepare as well as possible.
I would take about 10-20 people with me, some of them should be good physicians, builders, architecturers, teachers and someone from the ARMY to train us!

I would need books like Survival but also more simple ones like Do it yourself or How to build a house. So books is a must! Remember that you may have to rebuild civilization so you will need a lot of useful books, it's really up to you which ones you choose.

Secondly I would pick a place for us to stay, preferably mountains. Zombies have good sense of smell but their movement coordination is terrible so it would be harder for them to get here. I would seek for something "castle" looking in the mountains (natural "castle"). Once again, books - about this place.

Obviously we can take things like meat with us but it's not reccommended as it would just take place in our backpacks/cars when getting there. We would hunt for food like fishes and eat them raw (if you put em over a fire they zombies may smell them). Vegetables! Seeds is what we really need! We would pick mountains with a lot of good ground to plant our vegetables, fruits and trees.

What to do not to get crazy:
After a few years of living in the mountains some of you would start getting crazy. That is why we need board games, RPG games, school etc. This will keep people busy and we will be fine! In the free time we can also prapare for the fight. Don't worry to get a lot of sport stuff like balls.

Our ARMY dude would train us as well as possible. We would learn how to fight with zombies. Accuracy is a must here!

Some guns and machine guns would be okay. We need tons of ammo because you never know how many zombies you will meet. It would be awesome if you learned how to make your own ammo! Spears are also a good idea! Remember! To kill a zombie you need to "kill" his brain. Decapitating him is also a good idea but be careful! Head still moves!!! I think you have to burn it.

"What if they get zombiefied?" You may ask. Do not worry, they are too weak to survive the transformation so animals is a good idea. If you can, remember to take horses, it would be a good idea to move through the forest.

Cross Motorbike or a Quad would be awesome idea because you would be able to get through the forest really fast. Don't forget about petrol.

That's what I would do Gorman
I'd run and hide in my bedroom or something. I cant really imagine because it isnt going to happen... I think...
[Sigma] [ORMO] [OLDA] [OSHI] [a]lly
-This thread is now protected by Dbuhos and his sword-
I would firstly shut down the TV,turn the computer off too,and then take mine sword,scrissors,water,food,phone...and move to mine grandparents house,at the 2nd floor.(The house is as big as an...4-5 meters tree...bigger than mine house anyways..)

Then i would stalk from the window,ready to trow the flower pots.
As far as i know zombies are gonna get in the house,i would jump off the window,and if i jump off i get on the roof...and then i jump down (1-3 meters...) and the i would run and steal the nearest car,i would drive to the forest,and probably i would climb on the top of a tree...When the area is empty i would get the fuck out of the city and i would drive outside of the city,and i would go to the mountains.I would make sleep out,on the top of the mountain...And most likely i would get bored and i would get down and take some games,rpgs etc...or a book to read.

Then i would go to guns store,take a gun...most likely an Revolver.Then go home and take an spray and an lighter (fire fire fire !!!) and i would burn zombies to ashes.Then i would go to the mall to take food,clothes,botteled water,etc...Then i would steal another car and i would drive to the nearest castle,i would go the the top and i would barricade all the doors,then i would want,the zombies get in,i would use the spray and the lighter to burn them too hell...and well...i would wait for an...military heli,or an nuclear/atomic bomb (preferably an Tsar bomb)to destroy me and all the zombies...
Last edited by dbuhos; Apr 29, 2009 at 05:07 PM.
Centuries Of Damn