erg, i can get shaders pics if you want, its just easier without them.

doesn't make the textures look any better or any worse.

front and head, tried to get a good angle on the bottom of the arms:

back of body:

I hate the head, i really truly don't get how i could have fucked it up so bad >_<


The only thing i like is the spikes idea and the back...

C&C, i gotta know what to change now, cuz im leaving for a month in three days
Last edited by ShadoDance; Jun 15, 2009 at 01:16 AM.
((Pro-Evolution, Anti-Christ))
Some very nice sets coming in here. I will give this a try but it'll be after this week as I have exams, probably PM me if I don't post back on Monday with updates. Also I love these colors, they are so sexy.

Also lol at black guard, I would never have thought to take inspiration from that but it's worked well.
just an update, here's the thighs:

I know they're the wrong color, but do you like them anywho?
PigeonHive Flap Buzz
BenDover: Cool, I can't wait to see how it turns out.

ShadoDance: I love the spike idea on the head, just not the front and back, incorporate a robotic looking face or a visor to the front, and maybe something on the back, though there doesn't necessarily need to be much on the back.

TeapoT: Cool bro, I'll be sure to PM you sooner or later.

Tompaine: Very nice stuff, I don't like the weird thing on the back of the head, though, and I'd like them to be the right colours.
collect snots from the nose
Originally Posted by huryo View Post
good head bad set

good head bad shading

you will never win

nice try
i may try too

Wow, I was reading htrough this thread to find some possible texture set makers for myself, When I stumbled upon this.

If your going to judge others like a fucking inconsiderate douche bag, I have two words for you:

Fuck, Off, Cunt.

You can decide which two you want.

User infracted. (Insulting.) ~RD
Last edited by RedDevil; Jun 15, 2009 at 05:50 PM.
Originally Posted by macshiz View Post
So Gynx I got a set for you maybe.
I might want TC though =D

Lucky for you, I'm not planning on letting the runner up sets go so easily. I'd like to buy a lot of them.
collect snots from the nose
Oh no...that was an old project sorry.
I just started making a random shading set and...this happened =D