terrible -0.5/10

maybe show him actually running?
maybe show more than one leg moving?
maybebe all around better?
I love you
Once, again, you motherfucker.
I'm a newb at flash.
Please, fuck off and troll other people, inconsiderate prick.

User was infracted for this post (Insulting) ~Nobuddie
Last edited by Nobuddie; Jun 26, 2009 at 04:45 PM.
ayylmaos are real
Originally Posted by 2Bit View Post
I'm a newbie to flash

Originally Posted by 2Bit View Post
I'm a newb at flash.

*ahem* let me quote this from the "how to be creative" sticky by freelancer (i agree with everything he says in this) - "Don't type "my first". We don't care, if you want sympathy, go to your parents!" (copied and pasted from the thread) - i thought it was bad - simple as that

EDIT: also, let me quote this:
Don't say your art is awesome, it's up to the viewer to say, not you.

Don't rush. Take your time, the Internet will be there tomorrow too.

Don't be a mindless jerk. To become an artist you must take hits by idiots, accept them and they will drop their guard next time. And use your brains, and try to be mature!
Last edited by mikotaku; Jun 26, 2009 at 05:11 AM.
I love you
Hmm.. try using a slower frame rate, use more frames in the walking, and try to draw him every frame. If you didn't know about onion skin, look under the layers or frames, it should be under there. That will help you a lot.
Meow, I am quite a cat these days.
Even though no one knows me, I know more about them than they know of me.