I wonder if you people got the error...

18: groin isnt in the description index :[

Also... excellent idea BenDover... Gonna do that after i decide what the heck a toribash brain looks like
That looks pretty awesome there, Avwave. Neat work with numbering and explanations, and of course the skeleton. Does the Tori have toes, however?
Originally Posted by avwave View Post
I wonder if you people got the error...

18: groin isnt in the description index :[

Also... excellent idea BenDover... Gonna do that after i decide what the heck a toribash brain looks like

Some sort of brain that can control detached limbs. Must look freakin' grotesque.
10/10. Love it.
The only bad thing is numeration of joints. It doesn't match official =)

neck        0
chest       1
lumbar      2
abs         3
r_pecs      4
r_shoulder  5
r_elbow     6
l_pecs      7
l_shoulder  8
l_elbow     9
r_wrist     10
l_wrist     11
r_glute     12
l_glute     13
r_hip       14
l_hip       15
r_knee      16
l_knee      17
r_ankle     18
l_ankle     19
Last edited by iLLepidus; Jun 27, 2009 at 03:33 PM.
That's awesome avwave. Nice little factoids.

Originally Posted by avwave View Post
Also... excellent idea BenDover... Gonna do that after i decide what the heck a toribash brain looks like

EDIT: I saw this ^ and thought "Insert 'Your Brain On drugs' Joke here"
Last edited by megaJuice; Jun 27, 2009 at 03:58 PM.
Oh, and I noticed another flaw. The hand is anatomically wrong. Just contract the wrist, and you'll see what I mean. The wrist is tilted 90 degrees wrong. The lower arm should already be in a twisted stance following the real anatomy. Fix that and add a brain, and you've got yourself a nice skeleton.