Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by SmileyJones View Post
He could do it at night, I guess. Or during the weekend or something. He might still have to call to get the janitors out.

But unless the school is made of wood, I'm not sure it'd be very easy to blow up in the first place. It might start a fire in a few rooms.

Anyway, think of the threat as getting a break and an hour of fresh air during the day. Helps to stay positive

y u so optimist?

also, you sound like someone who knows a little more than he should about blowing up schools

then again, you could just have some common sense
I love you
I'd say he has more common sense.

come on, his name is smiley jones
My seniority means you should probably just agree with everything I say
Well, my experience with bomb threats is sucky. So, this was during the peak of flu season, so maybe half the kids were at school. Then their was a bomb threat before the first period started, so they made all the kids get their backpacks and throw them outside. While the police checked out everyones backpacks, (a few kids got suspended for drugs that day =D) we sat in the gym for maybe 2 hours. After they were done searching the school, we were told to head back to class. By this point, maybe 25% of the kids were in school because most left because of the bomb scare. Then, about 10 minutes into second period, guess what? Another bomb threat. Rinse and repeat. We get rid of backpacks, we go to gym, we wait for 2 hours. Now by this point, theres 10% of the kids still left in school, so the only ones still here are the ones who cant walk home and whos parents are at work. So for the rest of the day we go to our classes (with only about 5 kids in each class) and watch movies and shit.
Vibacious - - Get vibin'

here in norway it automaticly becomes a police matter and wt some heavy punishments to call in threats like that !

Last edited by hazelbud; Nov 22, 2009 at 07:40 PM.
[WAPOW] "uhhh......no, Commissar we cant be sure yet _but it looks like he was killed by a hazelblunt object"
Looong time agosome guys entered my school, left an unidentified bag in some corner and left... No students seemed to notice that tho. It came across as fake made by teachers to see if young people could prevent bombing school. Well... D:

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
Originally Posted by JtanK View Post
Looong time agosome guys entered my school, left an unidentified bag in some corner and left... No students seemed to notice that tho. It came across as fake made by teachers to see if young people could prevent bombing school. Well... D:

It would seem that young people can't do zip about bomb threats. Or maybe they just realise that not every unattended bag has a bomb in it.
Originally Posted by pipezubi View Post
Well, some days ago, in Montevideo where i live, there was a threat in a supermarket called Devoto.
All the workers were outside, very scared, and there was nothing XD.
i think it was a joke

Group of people around here went into Walmart and lit the socks on fire. That was a few days before some idiot went around shooting a gun into the air at the same store.
Bounafizta says:
My love for u has gotten me detention like 4 times lol
once I was in an aeroplane, we had to stop, because someone said that he saw something similar to a bomb, at last it was a thing DJ use for music, unbelivable...