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I need to know all the settings of "/"
What i mean is.... i want to know all the of the settings or things u can do

For Example: /kick, /fknock, /whisper, /passwd, Etc Etc.... i want to know all of them... or at least most of them

And i need to know what these things do.
/clear - clear all chat messages
/chatlines - changes how many lines of text show up in the chat
/set - example: /set mod wushu.tbm
/addbuddy - add someone to your buddy list
/removebuddy - remove a buddy from your list
/listbuddy - show your list of buddies
/list - shows all servers
/refresh - refreshes the server list
/search -shows you where someone is, if theyre online. example: /search hampa
/download - download someones items and textures. ex: /download hampa
/join - join a room. example: /join wushu
/chat - enter the chat of a room without joining the room. example: /chat wushu
/reset - reset the match

skipped a big part which you most likely will not use.
/disconnect - disconnect from the server
/reconnect - reconnect to the server
/quit - quit the game
/altimeter [boolean] - turns on/off the altimeter. shows you how high you are
/speedometer [boolean] - turns on/off the speedometer. shows you how fast youre moving
/centerprint - if you are an op, speak in the middle of the screen.
/echo - display something without showing your name beside it.
these are most of them. the other i either do not understand or you wont need to use them.
to quickly see a few of these,
/help - shows you a short list of help info
or to see thw full list,
/fullhelp - shows you the full list of functions

hope this was helpful.
In additions to the ones shown above, their are a couple of betting commands that aren't on those lists.

"/bet [number] [player]" bets a certain amount of tc on the player you choose.
"/minbet [number]" changes the minimum bet of that server to the number you choose. (You must be op to use it) (The default is 100)
"/betframes [number]" changes the frames you can bet in, for example, if it's 100 then you can bet for a 100 frames after the start of the game. (You must be op to use it) (The default is 50) (The maximum is 500)
"/cancelbets" cancels all bets in the server and returns the tc to whoever bets it. (You must be op to use this)