Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
Ultimate guide to success in the Toribash community.
¿What is this?
This is an ultimate guide made in 5 minutes just because I am bored and because I felt like helping the community, guide on how to be respected around the forums and on IRC.

This is pretty much for those who want to make new friends and join a successful clan, organization and be respected overall, if you're hated you have no future so try to stop using Toribash for around 3 years until everyone forgets you.

  • 1.- Think about what you're posing and keep good grammar:
    This obviously will help a lot because you won't look like just a 12 years old kid trying to look cool and overall to be respected for being an smart person most likely a normal guy with non-death brain. Many people get this wrong, DO NOT, act like a smart-ass, try to be friendly and keep a good mood by example "Hey everyone " not "Hai wazzap bitches!XD" OR "Jeez, how could that happen :P" not "wow d00d that sux ballz, u sux 2" Don't try to make this too much, don't be an hypocrite just try to stay in a good mood and stay calm in any situation.

  • 2.- Try not to act like an idiot:
    Think about what you're about to do, read carefully and slow no matter if you are lazy and you "cba" (can't be assed) Some times the first time you read things you might not understand them properly, example; Well I can't give examples to be honest. Try to avoid much smileys in your posts, either using some smileys like the bananas or the one, most of people joke using that smiley acting like if they were an idiot, this will be up to you, if you want to use it go ahead, just try not to use it TOO much.

  • 3.- Act normal:
    Try to actually act as your normal self and not someone else, or what you think people want you to act like.

  • 4.- Type like a HUMAN:
    Talkinz liek dis is just stupid, imagine you interviewing someone while they are typing like this; "Hai n_n, h0w r u lulz! da oter day i wuz jiust cooliong aruond doin stoopid things wiff mah dong
    XDDDDD!!!11eonoenon!!!noeoenoen!!!111!1111oneone!1 " Makes sense now?

  • 5.- Elitists and trolls;
    Most of people find them funny / rage at them, to be honest it is just a waste of time so don't try to impersonate a troll either acting like an "oldfaegz" elitist hell, even in chat telling everyone something like this "<YourNick> <------ elitist i am pro" That would be in IRC of course, never rage in front of trolls that will pretty much stop them or just won't find it funny, do not try to argue with them, a good troll is someone who will always stick to their point so don't even bother, YOU DO THE SAME! stick to your point no matter what! without being an ass of course, a lot of people will get this wrong but whatever.

  • 6.- Stay in topic:
    Just do it, if you care of the topic being discussed at that moment.

  • 7.- Real time chatting:
    This is where everyone get judged, after making an account called "Doclan" and checking everyone's reaction in #toribash almost everyone in the community says that the #toribash channel is a place full of trolls, but that's a lie they will be jerks with you and even start hating you which will give you the worse reputation out there, try to be cool headed, keep GOOD GRAMMAR AND GOOD PUNCTUATION this is extremely important and this is how you'll reach success, if you're using good grammar and spelling without acting like a smart-ass, take Galard by example, he became a gamekeeper because a lot of people saw that he was capable of doing the job and because he was smart and kept good grammar as a newbie in chat and in posts, he joined in 2010 and he became a part of the Toribash staff in 2010 too, this will boost your experience a lot in this community if you want to be respected.

  • 8.- Do not beg:
    A lot of people hate this so don't be all like; "Plz give me tcs plz i will sux ur d*ck!", with any kind of petition/request.

  • 9.- Asking for possitive reputation?
    Never do it, it is just stupid.

  • 10.- Do not try to look like a macho man in front of everyone by acting like an ass with a Toribash staff member:
    Some people think that being "brave" aka being an ass and a jerk to the toribash staff will make them look like a bad-ass, this will not happen, this staff members work hard so you can enjoy Toribash at any cost, they help you if you get scammed or whatever the problem is, Gamekeepers host tourneys so you can have fun with your tori-friends in game while you participate in tourneys and events, which can make you earn ToriCredits pretty fast.

  • 11.- If you're good at something or you think you are, DO NOT BE A COCKY FAG:
    If you think you're good at something or you have experience do not be cocky just because you're at whatever you do, this will cause a lot of people hate you.

  • 12.- What NOT to do in the Toribash chat: So around 30 minutes ago I joined the #Toribash channel with a nick called "HappyClappy" I pretty much acted like an idiot most likely someone who totally is the opposite of what I'm trying to teach you, I went around annoying everyone, highlighting them for no reason at all, I was asking the same question a lot of times which makes everyone rage, at the end I finished banned, UNBAN ME PLEASE.

  • 13.- BE PATIENT:
    If you're in #support by example, you ask your question and explain it very well and no one answers you in 10 minutes do not go around repeating the same question over and over again highlighting everyone until you get what you want, another good reason to be hated. Just try to be patient and everything will go smoothly.
    If you're in #support by example, you ask your question and explain it very well and no one answers you in 10 minutes do not go around repeating the same question over and over again highlighting everyone until you get what you want, another good reason to be hated. Just try to be patient and everything will go smoothly.

    On a serious note; as acting like Doclan everyone liked him, and/or respected him, at least no one ever insulted me as acting like him and every "Troll" of #toribash were friendly
Last edited by Alan; Jun 12, 2010 at 07:14 PM.
Hrm...I believe derbomba posted something similar, "How to get good rep." Then hanz0 ubersmashed that tutorial. Dunno about this one. Anyways, that last one was posted twice, and the thing about doclan made no sense to me. Also, there was a change in text size midway through, threw me off a bit. TBH, I think it's pretty clear that you took a very short amount of time making this, and I expected a bit more. It needs a lot more clarity before it'll be stickyworthy, or a comprehensive guide.
Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
Hrm...I believe derbomba posted something similar, "How to get good rep." Then hanz0 ubersmashed that tutorial. Dunno about this one. Anyways, that last one was posted twice, and the thing about doclan made no sense to me. Also, there was a change in text size midway through, threw me off a bit. TBH, I think it's pretty clear that you took a very short amount of time making this, and I expected a bit more. It needs a lot more clarity before it'll be stickyworthy, or a comprehensive guide.

Well yeah, I was thinking on making this guide as a project but coulnd't find enough time, I created my alt Doclan as part of the project, although I ended making the guide in around max 15 minutes.

P.S This guide isn't for newbies, aaaaand it was supposed to be a fast, simple and easy guide which wasn't made to be "stickyworthy" so I didn't type a wall of text. If you didn't get why I made the alt doclan then that's your problem, I think I stated in the first post it was made to check everyone's behavior on IRC and on forums, to clear that thing of "Trolls" in #Toribash.
Last edited by Alan; Jun 12, 2010 at 10:59 PM.