Well at first glance it's pretty nice, but if you look closer into the details it's pretty sloppy. The pentooling with the yellow brown blue red lines in the background looks rushed, and the colors are a bad choice. The skateboard isn't really vectored, because you shaded it, the shoes are okay, but the laces shouldn't be that bright of a red because it stands out too much, and what's with the black line at the top of it?

All in all, though, as a signature, 7/10.

<~oyster> i want you to fart near my mouth
the shoes as a whole need a lot of work, take the laces for example, they're just red, no shading whatsoever, makes 'em look like neon lights in contrast with the "realistic" shading used on the board.

Also, varkenoss, shading something doesn't make a vector into something else, vectors can have as much shading as any other image, it's just usually not the trend to make vectors photorealistic.