Original Post
TA Tourney Marathon!

Hey guys! Team Aikido is having another tourney marathon, and this time, you can actually know about it!

So here's how it works.

Every day for 4+ days, we'll have a tourney at A RANDOM TIME OF THE DAY. THe way you can know is if you find global ingame, or if you find a post here about it!

The usual prizes are 7k/3k (subject to change), and the mods vary between aikido.tbm, aikidobigdojo.tbm, and greykido.tbm

So good luck, and may the best man win!
|Grim Reapers|The Aikido Team|PSN/Steam:ItsRainingDesert|
*Post reserved for telling you if a tourney is up, and to record winners.

Last edited by ElCaeko; Jul 30, 2010 at 01:31 AM.
|Grim Reapers|The Aikido Team|PSN/Steam:ItsRainingDesert|
The tourney is open to everyone, not just TA members. I wouldn't post this here if it was restricted to TA members.

Also, TOURNEY SOON! /jo TA to practice and warm up if you want.
|Grim Reapers|The Aikido Team|PSN/Steam:ItsRainingDesert|