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problems with mac version
i got two of them

the major one is that my mac always fails to save replays

the second one is that i can't read cyrilic leters while playin multiplayer (there i a bunch of russian in the game and it cyrilic with windows version)

any help?
For the cyrillic letters : Do you speak Russian ? It's useless to see the cyrillic letters if you don't speak russian.
but still, it's also pretty awkward seeing all the russian players with names like '6ashkfd6' and having entire conversations in similar gibber.
You've met Tori... You've killed Uke... Now meet Glun!
You can only criticise a man once you've walked a mile in his shoes...
I'm in the same situation as you. I don't speak russian, my computer doesn't read Cyrillic letters, but I don't care.
i am russian=)

чё тут непонятного то?=)

i'm more concerned about the replays. i really want to save some of them, but saving fails.

any help?
Replays: Do you have permissions on the replays folder ? Maybe you've installed it from a different folder.

Cyrilic: maybe you need to have this as input text to see it in the game.
Thats the case with windows.
Originally Posted by Fyerrblad View Post
I'm in the same situation as you. I don't speak russian, my computer doesn't read Cyrillic letters, but I don't care.

I said it was awkward, I didn't say I cared =p

To the replays: Where is you toribash folder located?
Do you have different users on your computer?
If so, are you the admin or not?
i am the admin for this mac. so i guess i have permission to access the replay folder.
the toribash is located in /applications/toribash i'll try movin' it to the user folder and see for progress

for the encoding. i had no trouble in the windows version.
in the mac version, when i input cyrilis letters the game prints out only the first letter of the phraise. nothin' else. and i don't see a single letter from other players.

thanx in advance for support

moving into different folder didn't help

how to save my replays?
Last edited by suomynona; Mar 11, 2008 at 10:30 PM. Reason: Post * 2
Can you open the console before you start Toribash, clear its contents, and then start Toribash.

Let it run for about a minute, then close it and post here the text that appears in the console.
