yeah hahahahha sorry i havent been on all the time i have a tight schedule with work outs and going around introducing myself to people to get more respect for the football team...sorry yall.
oook its ok bro you know an time you are not here im going to make sure the clan is ok.
made with all the hearts an skills of the died torigods im buyakias
Name: AirJordan7
Rank: Global rank is 45 at this time and Judo rank is 7
Belt: Blue Belt
How active in game am i (1-10): probably a 8 or 9
How active on Forum am i (1-10): probalbly a 7 but i only write on it when I have something of importance to say
Tell us something about you: well i dont realy know what there is to say, im 14, Im PureDeaths friend (the one he was talking about on clan page)
Why I want to join: I want to join a good clan with lots of cool ppl like Pure and hes told me bout friends he has here like dud3aznftw and 1003157.
Special skills: pretty good at Judo, Puretaught me his moves
Sorry but idk how to post replays
Originally Posted by AirJordan7 View Post
Name: AirJordan7
Rank: Global rank is 45 at this time and Judo rank is 7
Belt: Blue Belt
How active in game am i (1-10): probably a 8 or 9
How active on Forum am i (1-10): probalbly a 7 but i only write on it when I have something of importance to say
Tell us something about you: well i dont realy know what there is to say, im 14, Im PureDeaths friend (the one he was talking about on clan page)
Why I want to join: I want to join a good clan with lots of cool ppl like Pure and hes told me bout friends he has here like dud3aznftw and 1003157.
Special skills: pretty good at Judo, Puretaught me his moves
Sorry but idk how to post replays

i think you're automagically in since you're the reincarnation of PureSeath

Are you an artist and want to make a decent amount of TC? Check out this thread.