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[Solved] Having trouble joining gmtourneys
Okay for sometime now i have been having serious problems with gmtourneys.
It's because i joined it, it says not connected but my connection's fine and when i join other rooms it seems fine. Do Gmtourneys rly lag that way?
I tried last week. i like, joined 4 times. then i joined on the 5th time i was in.
Is it rly lag?
3DS FC :4038-6911-2047
Pokemon Player. LoZ and other Nintendo shit. =]
The room was probably just full.

It would make sense to join right after the global is sent to expand your chances of being in the tournament and avoid this problem.
What firebolty said. Once that global goes out, within 30 seconds the tourney is filled up, and hard as heck to get in.
For a better chance to get in, join right when global is sent.