Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Happy early birthday old buddy. (I don't think I will be able to congratz you tomorrow... or the rest of the two upcomming weeks)

Anyways, about the replays.

Opener was pretty good.
Loved the first Dm's.
Very good speed when you was booming the crouch and the chest.
Nice skeet.
Pose was good.
But I wanted that head to be skeeted.

Smooth Criminal:
Opener was good but a bit stiff.
Loved the booms.
The last Dm looked a bit un-needed. It would've been better if you tryed to boom it or something...
Pose was good.

Overall: 9.5/10
Originally Posted by Hours View Post
Happy early birthday old buddy. (I don't think I will be able to congratz you tomorrow... or the rest of the two upcomming weeks)

Anyways, about the replays.

Opener was pretty good.
Loved the first Dm's.
Very good speed when you was booming the crouch and the chest.
Nice skeet.
Pose was good.
But I wanted that head to be skeeted.

Smooth Criminal:
Opener was good but a bit stiff.
Loved the booms.
The last Dm looked a bit un-needed. It would've been better if you tryed to boom it or something...
Pose was good.

Overall: 9.5/10

Thanks hours and I did added a boom to the last hit in smooth criminal but it looks kinda sloopy or messy i think.....btw he're the replay
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i ned freinds ;c
You kinda twitched around a bit in the opener.
The flip was nice and smooth.
That first boom looked nice, but I think you could've added a more powerful look to it.
Why you no boom glutes?
You could've gotten that crotch block off.
The last hit looked devastating.
The downside is that each hit was grabbed. T-T
Still a good replay though.
Work on your booms, but try to add style too.
inb4 Gonna be inactive for a while cuz im on a vacation right now and im gonna buy ALL THE NEW GAMES!
i ned freinds ;c