Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Tex] wip anime/emo head
Never shown wips before, but here's one of some anime-ish head I'm making (I tried making a vid but camstudio crashed on me). Don't feel obligated to comment. Also, there's a decent chance that I won't finish this.

Will likely update this often:


Using GIMP. I'm open to suggestions for colors.



Last edited by GoodBox; Jan 28, 2014 at 01:24 AM.
Some of the hair tufts <--- or whatever you call them, look kind of fat. Other than that it looks pretty good. I like how you made the eyes look almost like stones or marbles.
Ryan is Straight {TGS} {Videoer} {Artist} Rip Dog
I dunno what to call them myself tbh. But I don't disagree that some may be fat, I kinda loosely do them at this stage and then go back to fix them later. Usually have to fix at least a quarter of them in some way but it doesn't take that long. Also, the eyes unfortunately will get completely scrapped. They're placeholders >_> (Everything there is more or less a placeholder for what its worth).

Made an update.
Last edited by GoodBox; Jan 3, 2014 at 11:21 AM.
mouth could be a bit lower
eyebrows seem to be a tad shifted by 10 or so pixels, not sure
id like to see more detail in the hair

cool head tho, wondering if it will be up for sale after completion?
Ah, the mouth and eyebrows will be replaced. But it's good to know where you feel like they should be though! Normally I spend a lot of time moving those things around trying to find the right spot, having a second opinion really helps with that.

No plans for if its up for sale at the moment.

Also, made another update. Got done with the eyes (Just eyes, not eyelids, lashes or what have you). Since I didn't get any suggestions for colors I just went for the Circus III theme from Adobe Kuler: https://kuler.adobe.com/Circus-III-color-theme-36202/ (You can find a lot of cool themes there under explore at the top). Still open for color suggestions though. I'm considering adding the contours of the face later on, never done that before though so dunno how that'd turn out.
Last edited by GoodBox; Jan 5, 2014 at 05:56 AM.
Looks great so far!
The hair is coming along great, and the eyes are awesome!
Can I ask what application do you use?
The past makes you wanna die out of regret, and future makes you depressed out of anxiety. So by elimination, the present is likely the happiest time.
love your eye-work
not sure, but how crisp will this come out?
worried the lines will be a bit blurred
tell me if i'm wrong, just a guess from the pics so far
nice eyes on P7,
I was really thinking it was not anime because of previous eyes you did.
the mapping is pretty good.
Try to make a good look for the hair.
Ended up working on this some more, so bumpz.

Just need to color the hair and eyelashes and I'll be done. I'm open to suggestions before I do that though. Particularly interested if you folks have any ideas for a mouth and if you like the color gradient wash.