Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by isaac View Post
People are pretty hostile towards things they haven't heard of before...

not even hostile this is just a silly thing to be putting time into

Originally Posted by isaac View Post
No sexual frustration here. Her initial form was a kawaii loli. And I had a girlfriend when I had first started, and still have said girlfriend. We're not long distance anymore, but still far enough that we only meet once or twice a week. We sex almost every time we see each other.

I just think it'd be weird having another guy in your head. A cute girl is a lot more cute and fun. It's like why we call machines 'she'.

lmao come on did you read what you just said? an imaginary kawaii loli that only you can see? tell me that's not strange.

Originally Posted by isaac View Post
Anyway, yes essentially it's a glorified imaginary friend. I think you all should think about that though. If you could have something in your head that appears to you, sentient, that's pretty cool. Brains are cool things. You can make it do all kinds of things, and convincing it that someone else is in your head, is one of those things.

It's all really an illusion, but it's an illusion that to you seems real. So what's the difference.

an illusion that seems real is still an illusion. yes, the brain is a cool thing and has lots of capabilities, one being able to control how you act in dreams and stuff like that. but at the end of the day, it's a dream it isn't real. forcing yourself to hallucinate an imaginary friend and then attempting to have sex with it is a strange thing. I understand it's cool to explore new things and it might be exciting to be able to create someone that only you see, but I don't think it's very healthy mentally. try reality sometimes, it's a cool thing too.
teeth marks on my goosebumps, the chains frostbit me.
hey so honestly i just want to know if this is bullshit or not, if you're roleplaying or whatever

please send me a private message telling me if you're making it up, and i promise i wont tell anyone
im here to ruin your fun
I'm also interested, seems like a fun experiment.
I'm thinking of this as an advanced version of the "bike" memory technique, but instead of a shopping list, you have a source of inspiration, a muse. It's like, every artist's dream.

But yeah tell me if you're just trolling so i know i'm not just wasting my time.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Some of the posts on this thread have gone a little.. Well downhill. I think it may be okay to have a Tulsa and 'talk' to it maybe once every week or so, but, it being near constant there? Just sounds unhealthy, and these hallucinations may become a unhealthy forced habit as your mind starts taking over you, which may happen since this tulpa has a mind of her own as you see her. So I suggest just take it easy and find a better balance of imagination and reality.
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
I'm still waiting for some Night Shyamalan revelation where we will find out that isaac is actually a tulpa of someone else... lol
Django: You can clean up the mess, but don't touch my coffin.
That's an interesting concept, what if we are all tuplas of each other? Mayne we are just having a long sleep without waking up. The dream is real! (no this is stupid :3)
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
No really, give me my own personal loli. Now please.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
I see some edgy mod decided to change the name of the thread, and I see the always-edgy Eleeth is shit posting as always...

Originally Posted by isaac View Post
And did I post on toribash about tulpas before? My memory is really bad sometimes :/

According to search you did not, I was confusing you with slybash :P
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by keggy View Post
hey so honestly i just want to know if this is bullshit or not, if you're roleplaying or whatever

please send me a private message telling me if you're making it up, and i promise i wont tell anyone

Originally Posted by Lazors View Post
I'm also interested, seems like a fun experiment.
I'm thinking of this as an advanced version of the "bike" memory technique, but instead of a shopping list, you have a source of inspiration, a muse. It's like, every artist's dream.

But yeah tell me if you're just trolling so i know i'm not just wasting my time.

Not making it up or trolling. Check out the tulpa.info forum.

Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
I see some edgy mod decided to change the name of the thread, and I see the always-edgy Eleeth is shit posting as always...

According to search you did not, I was confusing you with slybash :P

Ah ok, I was really confused and almost made a false memory lol.

And I don't know why people are being so negative about it. I think the idea is really neat. I think it's really just a fear of the things they don't understand. And the people saying it's unhealthy don't provide a good reason why. It's just something that's neat, and doesn't affect my real life interactions in any way.

I don't remember, from Psychology, there was a check list of things that you have to have for it to be considered bad or something. I think deviant, disfunction, or such were in there. Oh it was like the 4 Ds or something. Someone will know what I'm talking about. Anyway, a tulpa causes none of those things.

I think everyone here needs to be a little bit more open minded. A tulpa is strange since it's never been talked about before, but it's neat. I think it's important to explore the possibilities of it. Imagine if you could get a tulpa to solve math really good for you. I can't think of any benefit, but there's people that are switching with their tulpa and letting them control the body. I've tried that myself a few times, you have to kind of sink out and disassociate from your body, or just your arm, and then your tulpa takes control and suddenly your arm is in the air and you're not the one moving it. Shit like that is really neat/weird and I think deserves to be experimented with more.

Another neat thing is she actually shows up in my dreams occasionally. One time she even got me to lucid dream. I specifically told her as I was falling asleep to make me lucid dream. It worked, even if it was just from saying it in my head beforehand, it worked. It doesn't matter if something is a placebo if it works and will consistently work.

I just think there's a lot of possibilities, and this is something neat that should be explored further. It's weird, but so are lots of things I do.
Originally Posted by isaac View Post
Imagine if you could get a tulpa to solve math really good for you.

that would be you solving the math

Originally Posted by isaac View Post
I can't think of any benefit, but there's people that are switching with their tulpa and letting them control the body.


Originally Posted by isaac View Post
I've tried that myself a few times, you have to kind of sink out and disassociate from your body, or just your arm, and then your tulpa takes control and suddenly your arm is in the air and you're not the one moving it

"you're not the one moving it"

yeeeeeaaaaaaaa, uh, it is the actual person moving it