Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Potoroo View Post
Just a question, does this only apply for Official clans?

There is no reason to remove a unofficial clan because they do not have their own board.
Originally Posted by Valterain View Post
There is no reason to remove a unofficial clan because they do not have their own board.

The reasoning for deleting official clans can be applied equally to unofficial clans. At the moment unofficial clans are not deleted, but they easily could be - it's 100% arbitrary.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Unofficial ones are only culled if there's no members left in it

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Since this thread ain't closed I would like to bring some thoughts up to it. Excuse me, if I repeat anything, because I can't spend so much time to read those 15 yet made pages.

I've been in a discussion with Gynx and want to get on some points of the activity check again.

Gynx told me, that clans need to be active to set an example to the community and to the mods (right?). The activity check got a new system which was more accurate in the Admin/mods definition of being active, like IRC check, forum and also ingame activity check, as listed by him aswell.

My question is, what are the benefits of it, which explains the whole system as worth and furthermore as needed.

Gynx yet gave me an anwer to this, which was similar to "they need to show an example by being active" but that doesn't explain in detail why the system is very needed.
If I would be asked to guess about it, I would think that admins would like to see a higher level considering all the points you could list under 'activity', because people who play the game or people who watch into the community should kinda 'look up' to that or because theres an interest in it because of the profit that a more attractive displayed level would make, thinking about newcomers who want to reach a higher level after beeing inspired by people in clans.

But I would follow up those arguments with the question if that aint very³ relative.

It's relative because a higher level of playing the game and posting in the forums (maybe IRC too) doesn't make a higher level to the clan in my opinion.

It's also more important to judge people on what they contributed to the community (and/or the game), don't you think so?

What happend after that new activity check system was made up? Clans that are, let me call it so, Oldschool and didn't showed that much activity in the last time do now have/had a problem. The old checks, where enough member showed up and proofed that they are still into that community and don't want to be deleted, where now replaced. Since it's only a check, they had a chance to react to it.
Now what are the options?

-> Recruiting new member

This would atleast require a pool of potential people. Potential people are, in this case, decent people who are worth to join, judging this, so I guess, on their level.
I don't know where you see those people in this community. It's a random game that you only find randomly, in most cases by very young people. If you look up in the recruitment threads in subforums of good clan you will see what I mean.

So maybe they could have recruited alot of member, from young to old, from noobs to pros. But I'm shure that those people would be totally random and maybe not fitting. They also would shurely decrease the level or whatever those clans where representing.

Just a case that you could think of:
A leader makes the choise to take a member whos semi-new to the forum and didn't proofed much skill in anything yet. Rising the attantion on him because of his clan-tagg, he beginns to act like an idiot and gives the clan a bad reputition.
Why would you judge the leader to be more sceptical on what he looks up in the recruitment?
The causality in this case would be that the clan would be forced to go a new way where the level, which inspired the people, is decreased and less till not inspiring at all.
Imagine all the good clans with people who abuse those stupid smileys in their postings or spamming ingame and in the forum, making the clan look like a pool for people of whatever you judge them by

Another option would be that those members start to play the game again and/or post more into the forums.
This could be a solution in my opinion, but I also know from my own experiances that, if you set up your prioritys, stuff like school, work and other business like the so called real life should be more important. The good thing at the old system where, that you were able to set your prioritys in that way. So.. are those people not worth to be in a clan now since the new frame puts them outside of it?

How do you judge people who play the single player very often but don't show up in multiplayer-games that much? This is another thing that I can speak about with my own experiances, since I ever found it more interesting to use the potential of making good and cool moves. Alot of people who are playing singleplayer often do make videos and those are catching new people by waking their interest for it.

What is the benefit of forcing the clans to show up often ingame and/or in the forums if the only thing you judge them by is actually beeing there?
This is a legit question, since the new frame terminated clans that where considerid as enough active by the old checks. I also assume that you knowed that those clans will be deleted and who knows if that was exactly the result that it was aimed at.

I guess alot of those people of the clans you deleted wount consider to look up the forum again with that close link they had, assuming they still do.
The clan list is shorter, the level of showing up in total is higher, but the level of the clans will not be better

Enough for today. Maybe this time I'll get a real answer