Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Anecdotal evidence isn't evidence. I'm glad they're happy, but it usually isn't the case.


Redundant said it too, mental illnesses inherently have a higher suicide risk. It's a mental illness like many other mental illnesses, and equally as dangerous.

I am betting the number is that high because of the amount of assholes out there speaking against transgendered people. I bet its nearly the same with gay people. And are you trying to say that being trans is as dangerous as having something like schizophrenia?
Originally Posted by Zelda View Post
Is being trans a disorder and is it of a necessarily of a harmful nature?

Not necessarily, but if you're like tall or buff it would be harder to implement than if you're naturally shorter and more feminine. Work is what matters. But if you're 6ft4 you'll stay 6ft4 and you can't really be that little slut cause natural size... transformations have their limits.

I don't find being trans like a major issue, I think Youtube is a bigger issue to the population. Just imagine those lifetimes of non-productive video watching. Just imagine them :P
Zelda Moderated Message:
I would rather you tried to keep more focussed on the topic we are discussing in your future posts. In your last couple of posts you tend to latch onto some passing comment and then use it as an excuse to explain your views on things unrelated to the topic. If you want to discuss such views, feel free to make another thread, the discussion board needs them. Just keep this post focussed on the topic of transgender people. This was a really long mod message.
Last edited by Zelda; Jun 5, 2015 at 11:25 PM. Reason: Mod message says why.
Originally Posted by JSnuffMARS View Post
What the fuck do you mean "function socially"? What the fuck does that even mean. What the fuck is that concept.

If a guy wants something, he may try to get it. I don't understand why would he need a very nice social life for that. Cause social life has to do things with like social skill and a lot with your compatibility with the people someone surrounds himself with or is surrounded by.

If he doesn't get it in a given time limit, he doesn't get it. Not everyone can have everything he wants, that's part of the supply and demand principle.

Like you want big sushi set, you buy the fucking big sushi set
If you want to be a great program, you learn to be a good programmer
If you wanna be a mathematician, you study the fucking math hard and improve your math game a lot
If you wanna to get a gf, you do the drills, you practice your inner and outer game
I don't see social standing in Western world as being some stuff that you can't directly influence over time with work, tbh.

With functioning socially I mean functioning as a human being without being self-destructive, chronically depressed or things like that.
Being able to live life and be a productive member of society.
I worded it poorly, my apologies.
Originally Posted by lumpysolo View Post
I am betting the number is that high because of the amount of assholes out there speaking against transgendered people. I bet its nearly the same with gay people. And are you trying to say that being trans is as dangerous as having something like schizophrenia?

Societal pressure does not raise the number of suicide up by that much. Suicide is not a rational action. A rational person does not commit suicide.

And yes, gender dysphoria is inherently as dangerous as schizophrenia/anorexia/major depression
Last edited by Hyde; Jun 5, 2015 at 11:08 PM.
Originally Posted by Hyde View Post
Societal pressure does not raise the number of suicide up by that much. Suicide is not a rational action. A rational person does not commit suicide.

...Societal pressure raises suicide rates by a ridiculous amount, it is the primary cause of most suicides, the person is not rational due to societal pressure, not due to being trans-gender.

And yes, gender dysphoria is inherently as dangerous as schizophrenia/anorexia/major depression

No, it just isnt. One of them is someone believing they should be the opposite gender which has no real negative effect, the others are conditions which can cause 1. Murder, 2. Death from excessive weight loss and malnutrition 3. Suicide.

Suicide from gender dysphoria is never directly attributable to it, if you still disagree, please explain how believing you should be the opposite gender cold lead to a suicide.

I dont understand your points here Hyde
Last edited by Zelda; Jun 5, 2015 at 11:49 PM.
Don't dm me pictures of bowls that you find attractive.
Originally Posted by SmallBowl View Post
...Societal pressure raises suicide rates by a ridiculous amount, it is the primary cause of most suicides, the person is not rational due to societal pressure, not due to being trans-gender.
Completely untrue. Societal pressure does not only apply to transgenders. Plenty of demographics have been under tremendous societal pressure, yet don't have near 50% suicide rates. Gays have never had suicide rates that high, neither have blacks, untouchables in india, etc. Not even close. I'm not saying societal pressures don't exist, but it's not responsible for transgenders having the highest suicide rate out of any demographic.

No, it just isnt. One of them is someone believing they should be the opposite gender which has no real negative effect
Have you ever considered that maybe believing you're a different gender is actually quite damaging to someone's mind? It isn't a rational thought. Do you regularly look at yourself in the mirror to affirm your gender? It isn't normal.

the others are conditions which can cause 1. Murder

5-10% is nothing compared to nearly 50%. It's largely negligible. Besides, we treat schizophrenics as best we can, we don't accommodate them and confirm that yes indeed michael jackson told them to kill osama bin laden.

2. Death from excessive weight loss and malnutrition
This article was before any major research was done on gender dysphoria. Back then, anorexics had the highest suicide rate out of any demographic. They did not die because they starved themselves, as the article confirms, they commit suicide due to self hatred(commonly occurring theme with everything involving suicide. The way to help anorexics isn't to forcefeed them as you imply by saying that. You treat them by providing them with therapy and understanding why they feel that way, before helping them feel differently.

3. Suicide.
And why exactly is that? Could it possibly be for any of the reasons I described above?

No suicide from gender dysphoria is directly attributable to it, if you still disagree, please explain how believing you should be the opposite gender cold lead to a suicide.

Explained, notarized, laminated and stapled.
Originally Posted by Redundant View Post
With functioning socially I mean functioning as a human being without being self-destructive, chronically depressed or things like that.
Being able to live life and be a productive member of society.
I worded it poorly, my apologies.

Yeah, the classic. I know of existence of people like that. Yet isn't their true issue that they don't put let's say, steady work over a semi-long period of time into chasing their dreams?

Cause in life, most things are achievable. Degrees, money, fitness, social-skills. Like nobody believes social-skills are trainable, but they actually are.
Originally Posted by JSnuffMARS View Post
Yeah, the classic. I know of existence of people like that. Yet isn't their true issue that they don't put let's say, steady work over a semi-long period of time into chasing their dreams?

Cause in life, most things are achievable. Degrees, money, fitness, social-skills. Like nobody believes social-skills are trainable, but they actually are.

Of course they are trainable, but you have to understand that society can be a difficult and confusing place to live in with a mental illness.

I don't understand why you persist with anorexia, schizophrenia and depression when the subject is transgenderism and gender dysrophobia. Yeah they're all labelled as "mental disorder" but that doesn't make sense to use a specific disorder to explain your view on another one, the brain is a very complex engine, just like the body ; You don't take medicines against the flu to treat gastroenteritis, nor use one to explain the other.

"Completely untrue. Societal pressure does not only apply to transgenders. Plenty of demographics have been under tremendous societal pressure, yet don't have near 50% suicide rates. Gays have never had suicide rates that high, neither have blacks, untouchables in india, etc. Not even close. I'm not saying societal pressures don't exist, but it's not responsible for transgenders having the highest suicide rate out of any demographic."

That's not the kind of social pressure we're talking about, or more precisely, that's not the only thing. Blacks, gays, untouchables... they're all groups of people who are/have been oppressed by a majority or another group of people (less true about gay people, they had a pretty high suicide rate in the past, until the notion of "gay community" appeared, it's still high tho) ; there's the notion of group and social conflict. The kind of pressure transgender people are under is closer from social reclusion and doesn't have any "group" or person in a similar situation to share their thoughts with, loneliness is a killer, and that's loneliness coming from social pressure and rejection.

Also, we're a social species, we mainly see ourselves through the eyes of other people and how they perceive us, or through what society expects you to be. Self hatred doesn't magically appear out of nowhere and it's often a symptom rather than a cause, being rejected by your fellow beings for what you are, or think you are, is what causes depression and suicide, not the disorder itself.

So, no, suicide isn't inherent to transgenderism, but it's tightly related to depression ; but depression isn't inherent to transgenderism either.

Every disorder is unique, and every case is unique.
Last edited by deprav; Jun 6, 2015 at 02:41 PM.
Originally Posted by Aracoon View Post
Of course they are trainable, but you have to understand that society can be a difficult and confusing place to live in with a mental illness.

So why would a depressed person ever take shit from society and sleep late in mornings and then procrastinate most of the day, while still feeling discomfort in doing so, rather that getting out of his/her comfort zone, taking his/her chances and chasing goals?