I felt privileged to have such great quality driving skills, almost as on par as my driving skills in real life. I think it'd be cool to make a third animation where it includes the part before I crash into you, we chuck you in the back, and drive off (basically a second point of view on the story from the GMs). This could lead to you breaking out or something, I just generally want to see more of this!
First things first: please include programs used as the rules require in your first post.

Anyway for the movie itself, it's pretty sweet, though a few moments of weaker animation (more stuttery and/or weird slow-mo) are much more obvious than in first part. Doesn't detract that much from general enjoyment tho and most of animation looks well done.

[re] | #Polska
qui hic minxerit aut cacaverit, habeat deos superos et inferos iratos
The animation is decent but needs a bit more work, and try to not end the clips exactly at the last frame/after the last frame of any object moving, it will look weird that a moving object stops all of sudden.
Ah well, leaving that aside I like the whole story line and the look of the scenes, as well as the dynamics, and I really like the fact that you've placed the fracture color after the car hitting you, that gives the impression that the car hit you hard. And for some reason the children creep me out.
Also nice Easter egg, won't say it just to not spoil what is it and when is it.