Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
How to make 3D objects for Toribash (Using Blender)

This is a tutorial on how to make 3D objects for toribash, the items will only display locally, so you can see them in-game, but others won't be able to see your items when you go on multiplayer. This is mainly for art, videos and fun.

This tutorial will be mostly focused around Blender, which is a free open-source program.

Spoiler: 1. Software

1. Software

2. Basic Controls

3. Making the 3D object

4. File format and naming

5. preview it in toribash

If you have any problems or suggestions for this tut, post them here, or PM me.
Last edited by WorldEater; Oct 28, 2017 at 03:50 PM.

I'd like to know.. Which is more.. easy? they both seem quite hard to get to know.
[UBO] [TMM] [FUTO] Leader [OSHI] [TTO] [Monk]
Dark, I don't think you will have to type in the command everytime.
Only once.
And if you put it in your custom folder it will show anytime, though only for you.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
Oops, sorry swee, left out the Bodypart codes

This would be the manual command; [LANG]/obj load custom/yourfolder/goldring.obj 0 0 11 255 0 0 1[/LANG]

Dark, if you use a command line, it will only show once. If you edit Item.dat it will show permanently. HOWEVER, item.dat is currently not working for me, it re downloads my tori from the servers and corrects my item.dat. So it doesnt really work for me

That is because you need to edit the item.dat so it doesn't (if you want it that way)

Number values:
Toggle object on/off
Color ID: REFER toribash.com/colors.txt
Alpha: 255 = fully opaque, 0 = fully transparent
Use texture overlay: body part texture is MULTIPLIED over the object color. If colorID is 0 or 1 or pure, the texture color is used as is
?Dynamic <unknown> currently shrinks/flattens object
Replace body part with object: 0 = body part is visible with object, 1 = bodypart is replaced with object
Ghost: 0 = object doesn't appear in ghost, 1 = object appears in ghost

You can see that the second to last number is the number that decides if you replace the part with object or not, so if you don't want that you want the second to last number to be a 0