tfr isn't all that bad though, it has some cool people such as ninosaz and.. umm.. yeah, thats about it xd
Join the clan
I am Green Belt
17 years Old
I Have skype
I will try my best to look at the forum
How often I play toribash now: 3/10
How much I will play if I join a clan: 7/10
Mods I like: any mod I adapt fast
I am most active on steam: Ninja-Pretzel
Iplayed this back in 2010, then on the wii when it came out, and now I just got back into it.
Why I wan to join lotus: To be honest, this seems like the only decent clan. by that I mean it looks like its good for the talent it has, and for how it treats it's members.
Thank you for reading this and I hope I get chosen xD
Belt: Blue belt (But people say I'm good for my belt.)
Forum and In-game activity (Rate 0~10): Ingame 9 forum 2
Do you have Skype? (No need to post it here, only yes or no): yes
How frequent you use Skype (If you have it): Not too often as I don't have much use for it, but can be online at a moments notice...
Since when do you play Toribash: 2011
Best Mods:Mushu, Judofrac, wushu
Why you want to be a Lotus Eater: Seems like a really good clan
Previous Clans (If Any):N/A
Why you left/kicked (If you were in a clan):N/A
Infractions (If Any): N/A
(Lotus) is a Skype Based clan, which means we don't use forum too much, (But we use it) is that ok for you? yes
Alts: AshesAndSketches, forgot pass.
~If you wan't replays or an in game test let me know
Originally Posted by tomoyuky View Post
I am Green Belt
17 years Old
I Have skype
I will try my best to look at the forum
How often I play toribash now: 3/10
How much I will play if I join a clan: 7/10
Mods I like: any mod I adapt fast
I am most active on steam: Ninja-Pretzel
Iplayed this back in 2010, then on the wii when it came out, and now I just got back into it.
Why I wan to join lotus: To be honest, this seems like the only decent clan. by that I mean it looks like its good for the talent it has, and for how it treats it's members.
Thank you for reading this and I hope I get chosen xD

Sorry, but I think your belt is a bit low to be joining. no from me, sorry
You are welcome to apply again when you get a bit higher belt, as you seem like a nice guy
Originally Posted by CallMeLily View Post
Belt: Blue belt (But people say I'm good for my belt.)
Forum and In-game activity (Rate 0~10): Ingame 9 forum 2
Do you have Skype? (No need to post it here, only yes or no): yes
How frequent you use Skype (If you have it): Not too often as I don't have much use for it, but can be online at a moments notice...
Since when do you play Toribash: 2011
Best Mods:Mushu, Judofrac, wushu
Why you want to be a Lotus Eater: Seems like a really good clan
Previous Clans (If Any):N/A
Why you left/kicked (If you were in a clan):N/A
Infractions (If Any): N/A
(Lotus) is a Skype Based clan, which means we don't use forum too much, (But we use it) is that ok for you? yes
Alts: AshesAndSketches, forgot pass.
~If you wan't replays or an in game test let me know

Yes from me. Seems like a nice person.
Also, do you have any connection to callmekate?
Originally Posted by tomoyuky View Post
I am Green Belt
17 years Old
I Have skype
I will try my best to look at the forum
How often I play toribash now: 3/10
How much I will play if I join a clan: 7/10
Mods I like: any mod I adapt fast
I am most active on steam: Ninja-Pretzel
Iplayed this back in 2010, then on the wii when it came out, and now I just got back into it.
Why I wan to join lotus: To be honest, this seems like the only decent clan. by that I mean it looks like its good for the talent it has, and for how it treats it's members.
Thank you for reading this and I hope I get chosen xD

Tested in-game. He is a good player, seems he played a lot on Wii, I will put him on Trials, we'll see how this will work out eventually.

Originally Posted by CallMeLily View Post
Belt: Blue belt (But people say I'm good for my belt.)
Forum and In-game activity (Rate 0~10): Ingame 9 forum 2
Do you have Skype? (No need to post it here, only yes or no): yes
How frequent you use Skype (If you have it): Not too often as I don't have much use for it, but can be online at a moments notice...
Since when do you play Toribash: 2011
Best Mods:Mushu, Judofrac, wushu
Why you want to be a Lotus Eater: Seems like a really good clan
Previous Clans (If Any):N/A
Why you left/kicked (If you were in a clan):N/A
Infractions (If Any): N/A
(Lotus) is a Skype Based clan, which means we don't use forum too much, (But we use it) is that ok for you? yes
Alts: AshesAndSketches, forgot pass.
~If you wan't replays or an in game test let me know

Gotta test you in-game, The app is ok, but Idk about your experience with Toribash.
Application (Retry)
I realise why I got rejected from my initial application, so I will intend to do better.
Age - Preferred to be unknown, but if you need it, I'll tell you.
Belt - Black belt
Forum + Ingame Activity - 7/10 and 6/10
Skype - Yes.
When I use Skype - Depends on the occasion to be honest.
When I've started - 28/7/15
Best mods - Boxshu, Mushu, Greykido and Aikido.
Why I want to be a lotus eater - I'm lonely and you guys are nice :c
Previous clans - The Dark Brethren
Why I left / got kicked - Being AFK for quite some time, but I'm back on.
Infractions - none
(Lotus) is a Skype Based clan, which means we don't use forum too much, (But we use it) is that ok for you? - Completely fine.
If I get rejected, I won't act as ignorant as I seemed before, but it all depends on what you guys think c:
Originally Posted by ShadowSinn View Post
I realise why I got rejected from my initial application, so I will intend to do better.
Age - Preferred to be unknown, but if you need it, I'll tell you.
Belt - Black belt
Forum + Ingame Activity - 7/10 and 6/10
Skype - Yes.
When I use Skype - Depends on the occasion to be honest.
When I've started - 28/7/15
Best mods - Boxshu, Mushu, Greykido and Aikido.
Why I want to be a lotus eater - I'm lonely and you guys are nice :c
Previous clans - The Dark Brethren
Why I left / got kicked - Being AFK for quite some time, but I'm back on.
Infractions - none
(Lotus) is a Skype Based clan, which means we don't use forum too much, (But we use it) is that ok for you? - Completely fine.
If I get rejected, I won't act as ignorant as I seemed before, but it all depends on what you guys think c:

Glad you tried again, Yes from me.