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How To Play Boxshu :P
Hello! This is my first ever tutorial, so if I did anything wrong, please tell me, And I'll add edits to the thread if you guys specify something I missed.

Basic Things To Know:
Boxshu is basically mushu in a box.. a low gravity mod, you can jump around quite a bit. It revolves mostly around kicks and DM's, with instagib ankles wrists feet and hands, but only to the chest, lumbars, glutes, abs, pecs, and the head. it's basically about aiming and striking your opponent into a pile of little joints floating around the box. If your used to aikido or other mods, the 50 turnframe thing will probably get on your nerves a bit, but it's pretty good once you get used to it. in Boxshu, a head will not dq if it hits the ground, though, if you get a decap in on someone, and his neck touches the ground he will DQ and you will win.

A good starter would combine:
1. Ducking so that your opponent cannot kick you with a rush move, I myself used to use a 2 turn kick decap but it obviously doesn't work if the opponent ducks.
2. Versatility. eg: opening the door to be able to grab someones foot that's going for a kick. you'd screw up your opponent like that.

Feel free to do as fancy things as you want. After all this is a spin-off of mushu which is a spin-off of wushu which is a spin-off of real wushu which is (don't quote me here) choreographed fights. So, basically that explains the gravity, being able to do weird corks and flips, kicking your opponent in the face spinning, etc.. This is a W.I.P because I am myself pretty new to the mod, feel free to correct me
Additional Tip: Try to hit your opponent without getting too close to him, because there's a high risk of getting dm'd.
Last edited by JSmusic; Nov 10, 2017 at 05:27 PM.
Honestly this isn't really all that needed you could be lazy like the rest of us and copy youtube moves and use a pre made move memory script like alot of us do (Honestly don't do that it doesn't help you learn)

Actual Thoughts

well i find this tut pretty good for your first one u made some good points but idn my opinion getting to close to your opponent isnt really a good idea in all situations


also dont forget to mention that heads dont dq the neck does

also to be exact i would mention that boxshu at times can not be fair (hand cannon-ers ect) so be sure to inform them on the "disrespecful" moves a.k.a cheesy aka annoying af

but thats just a idea a toribash tut idea

Originally Posted by JSmusic View Post
Hello! This is my first ever tutorial, so if I did anything wrong, please tell me, And I'll add edits to the thread if you guys specify something I missed.

Basic Things To Know:
Boxshu is basically mushu in a box.. a low gravity mod, you can jump around quite a bit. It revolves mostly around kicks and DM's, with a extremely low dismember threshold, it's basically about aiming and striking your opponent into a pile of little joints floating around the box. If your used to aikido or other mods, the 50 turnframe thing will probably get on your nerves a bit, but it's pretty good once you get used to it.

A good starter would combine:
1. Getting low to the ground so your opponent can't dm you if he uses a rush move.
2. Getting close to your opponent.
3. Versatility. eg: opening the door to be able to grab someones foot that's going for a kick. you'd screw up your opponent like that.

Feel free to do as fancy things as you want. After all this is a spin-off of mushu which is a spin-off of wushu which is a spin-off of real wushu which is (don't quote me here) choreographed fights. So, basically that explains the gravity, being able to do weird corks and flips, kicking your opponent in the face spinning, etc.. This is a W.I.P because I am myself pretty new to the mod, feel free to correct me

Three major errors here (because I decided not to mention the others). First of all, the dismemberthreshold isn't low at all, it's just the feet/ankles/wrists/hands that are instagib but only for the chest, lumbars, glutes, abs, pecs, and the head. Second, a move that makes you go close to the ground is really bad if you wanna make it at the basic position, you'd have to run then get low to the ground. Three, no. A good opener doesn't include getting close to your opponent. That's a "rush" move and it's only for the newcomers, a good move would probably be a move that makes you go far away from the opponent, like mentionned before (cartwheel or such) or a defensive opener (a clap).
Find me ingame and duel me
Originally Posted by NotRevxAtAll View Post
Three, no. A good opener doesn't include getting close to your opponent. That's a "rush" move and it's only for the newcomers, a good move would probably be a move that makes you go far away from the opponent, like mentionned before (cartwheel or such) or a defensive opener (a clap).

I agree with revx , getting close to your opponent at the start is rushing.
Little help for begginers , they should try to hit their opponents whitout getting too close , its a big risk to get dm'd.
if this is a tutorial on beginners/basic boxshu moves and tactics then it would be more applicable to non-serious boxshu matches. although most people dont ever transition into pro boxshu matches. if you are ever going to cover boxshu duels and 'esports' moves, just know it is a whole different catagory. it requires more insight then said tips and tactics, and players might look here for tips on competitive/dueling boxshu tips and tactics.

otherwise i like the tutorial
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Hello there, I'm a bit late to the post, but please provide some more information. Currently it is very bare-bones and doesn't provide enough information to be a tutorial.

Some things to consider adding (you do not have to add these, it's just examples of what you may add):
  • Fight examples
  • Do's and don'ts
  • Common openers
  • Fighting techiques

If you fail to provide sufficient amount of information in your tutorial within a week from this post onward I will have to close it.
Decent tutorial, wish I had this when I started, but I've played so much boxshu I just do shit instinctively, also grabs are op in this mod, but sometimes they can backfire pretty badly. Like for example, do not ever grab someone's foot, unless you are very confident in getting a quick DM.