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Mogul Mayhem.

An embodiment and reminder of elegance, wealth, class and opulence. We welcome you to our very own event. With the festive season nearing full throttle, we as a clan, have orchestrated what can monumentally be defined as the biggest held clan tournament in Toribash history. This week, on Saturday, the 10th of December, we are hosting the most grandiose tourney at 8pm, GMT. We bring to you a reward pool of USD, High-value items, High-QI Full sets, Toricredits & more. You may speculate an event of the magnitude being in the works for a while, but in all honesty; our clan members just went off on discord chat memes.

So, what to expect?

A ninjutsu tournament with most (if not all) of our members with some remarkable DEMONS you’ll recognise and have seen around ;)
The finals would be first to 3 given what’s at stake.


Oh, that’s right, we’re doing this in collaboration with the Event Squad’s WEEKEND Bash! Sponsoring us with extra items and ST ;)
Don't worry, if you’re unable to receive USD rewards, we will be compensating you at a 18k/USD rate.

This event is being hosted by [m] mogul & is being sponsored* by the Event Squad. If you require clarification or have questions about the event, post below. If you’d like to converse regarding this event privately, reach out to Melrose, Athin or list.
Stay excited, stay tuned, we'll see you there. -mogul

*italicised rewards are being sponsored by ES.
Last edited by list; Dec 11, 2022 at 10:42 AM.