Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Three dimensional connect four

Three dimensional connect four

This is the kind of game you play with your friends that have good spacial representation and that are bored. I assume most of you know the concept of connect four but I'll explain it anyway to make things easier.
You have a grid of definite dimensions, usually something like 7*5 or so. You take it in turn to place marks in cases of the grid, conscidering gravity applies so you must have either the bottom of the grid or another mark underneath anything you would like to mark. As soon as you have four of your marks lined up vertically, horizontally or diagonally, you win.
Here's an example of a winning position:

The blue player has won since he has four blue squares diagonally.

This is the new version of this game. I invented it but the concept seems pretty simple once you get the hang of it so I wouldn't be surprised if someone else thought of it before me. Instead of one big grid, you start off with four separate grids of 4*4 squares:

You then take it in turns to place your marks in any grid you like with vertical gravity going down. Now imagine that the four grids are made of small cubes and that you superimpose them. In other words, each pannel is a layer. You obtain then a cube of 4*4*4 sections. You can then find other ways to align four marks in the same plane like:

Red wins since he has a diagonal line of marks at the bottom of the cube.

I recommend drawing the grids with something unerasable and then playing with a pen if you want to do it on paper with someone since the grids take long to draw. You can always try it on IRC defining a code wit hyour partner that give the coordinates to the spot you want to mark.

I know the game might sond very geeky but I recommend you give it a go since it's a millions times more entertaining than other stuff you might want to do when having nothing to do in class or something.
Last edited by Muffindo; Jun 16, 2010 at 08:02 PM.