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(Kawaii) Recruitment.
Alright, So You Want In?
So, you think you can just walk in here and join huh? Not so easy my friend, you must first apply. But luckily you're in just the right place for that. To even apply there are certain requirements. You must be at least black belt and have a respectable win/loss ratio (aka: No 10 percenters, because that's just sad) and if you could put your playercard in your application that'd be nice. If you match these requirements, you're eligible to apply to Kawaii
And if you're curious as to what we want, here's an good list from kawaii pony.

Originally Posted by Kawaiipony View Post
Writing a good application for the clan.

Tell me why you want to join the clan:
Dont just say 'Oh well I got denied by that one clan so I just really want a clan' or 'I dunno'. Give a real reason as to why you want to be Kawaii. The owner is reading through these applications so make it good.

Give only the necessary information:
I don't need your hair color, date of birth or blood type here. Good things to put would be your belt, rank, and any other game related things on here. You're advertising yourself to me and the clan. Also ad anything that would make you a good addition to the clan other than just skill.

Don't bore me with a wall of words:
I don't want to sit here and read paragraphs of what you've written just to give up and tell you to try again (Which I will do if I have to). Format your application well and only include the necessary things.

I'm also looking for an artist for Clan textures and logos. If you are interested in that position link some art for me to look at (yours of course). You must also be able to prove that it is your art works.

But wait, you're still confused as to just what we want? Here's an example application by me! : DDD
Well, I saw your clan destroying people in *random room* and I gotta say, I was impressed, moreover, I wanted to join. While I do not have very much experience in art, I assure you, I can be a valuable asset to your clan. I can assist with maintenance and improving the clan whenever I can, and I'm sure I can help with events, troubleshooting, and answering any questions one may have about the game.
I've had some clans in the past of course.
Corrupt: had a fun time there, but it died when the clan leader dissapeared.
Vibe:....Alive, had fun there until one of the co-leaders waved her bitch wand and
got slayer and I kicked.
Only two I can remember from the top of my head, thanks for reading!
That's pretty much all we want from you, if you can't manage a simple thing like this I doubt you'll have much experience with clans.

~From The Crappy Computer Of Darthc3po.
Last edited by darthc3po; Nov 16, 2014 at 05:06 PM.
"Dolphy go kiss their asses, right now, go say sorry,
Right now" ~Yaysian, striking down the hammer.