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Death Note Recruitment
To join death note you must fill out this fourm down below or make a custom app

All applications must include...
Past Clans:
What you can bring:
3 SP or MP replays:

American Central.
My name is Seth im 15 and i like toribash.
Critical Dismembers and Distopia.(past clans)
Im talented in several areas and can play very well when i focus.
My favorite mode is probably akido but like a variety. <--- wont do it

-Why you want to join-
Death Note looks like a really good clan. Nice people inside, I have met some in betting server and around. They are very welcoming and very willing to help. This is my ideal clan.

-Some facts about yourself-
Im a Marine Engineer (Proudest Fact)
I currently work at BT (Weekend) until i go to sea next year Feb 2016

I am very intrested in playing toribash, bmxing and football. I play for a 5 a-side team, nothing big just a kick about. I ride down my local skatepark and currently working on a bmx edit. Looking good so far. Now to toribash, I enjoy coming on, hanging out with clan and going in betting servers.


-Best Mods in Toribash-
Aikido Big Dojo
I can play all really but some abilitys differ.

Forums: 3/10 Although i am not that active by posts, i am always in forum just dont post as much, Will change
Ingame: 9/10 In game everyday 3+ hours a day.

-Previous clans-
Gamma x (Current)

iApexo... Due to helping friend set clan up and helped with recruiting but aint gonna be active on this account
None others.

-Additional Comments-*
Thanks for your time in reading my application for Death Note. Hope i will see you all soon
^ will 99% make it
Last edited by Cute; Dec 12, 2014 at 12:21 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
<3 This game was a huge part of my childhood, thank you to everyone I interacted with. I'm sure there's some I've forgotten, but some I haven't.