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Fknock in Tourney
I know this has happened to others and it's happened to me as well and its really really annoying when someone in tourney rage quits right as you're about to win and you have to fight the next player in the queue.... not only do you have to win another match that you shouldn't have had to fight in the first place but on top of that 7/10 your game glitches and inputs moves that you didn't input in this next game due to the rage quit of the previous round and the game getting confused, inputting moves you did last game...causing you to most likely lose if you don't win by a miracle.....
i just got out of a game where this happened and it was the finals and when my tori spawned in both my hands were grabbed which i didn't click and i fractured both my shoulders ..and throughout the game I'm surprised i didn't DQ.... until i miraculously exploded for no reason at all due to 6inputs i didn't even click

I'm suggesting that in the case of a rage quit during tourney an automated Fknock is implemented on the winner, similar to GM's Fknocking in GMtourney when someone unfairly quits or disconnects on you
Last edited by MissingData; May 25, 2015 at 12:56 AM.
I'll be playing on my Original account for a while this is account will still be used for GM events due to Shiai tokens not being tradeable