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[CLAN] Dying and Reviving
I have been looking in the forums and time to time you find someone asking how to revive a clan but I wanted to go futher. Here I will make a tutorial based on my own experience on how to prevent a clan from dying and reviving it.
This tutorial is more for unexperienced leaders/co leaders who might need some help, if you have any question dont hesitate in posting it here.
If you arent the leader or cant kick members ask a clan moderator to promote you to leader. They will do it as long as the leader had been inactive for more than three weeks.

First step: detecting a dying clan
This step doesnt seem to be really important. However, knowing that your clan is about to die is crucial.
The first syntoms are:
  • You will soon realize that some members start leaving or dont post even though they get online.
  • There will not be any new discussions.
  • Some will start complaining about the lack of recruits.
  • They wouldnt war as often as they used to.
  • The number of pages that the clan would make every week would be around the half of what it used to do.

Second step: choosing who will stay
This part might the most dificult one since kicking somebody from your clan, specially is he/she is your friend can give you a hard time.
To know who is active and who is not, when it happened to me I posted the following:

Originally Posted by Onsola
(guy1 and guy2 will have x time because of y reason)
And all of you who are still active recruit as many ppl as u can.
When recruiting them make them post here(in the recruitment thread since bumping it with an app is really efective to get more applicants) an app dont just invite them.

Optional but useful


It might seem a little bit extreme but It never failed me. Also you should take into account the reasons of the inactivity of your members; the lack of interesting discussions/threads/hang outs/wars/events.

Third step: recruiting
Once you have choosen who will stay you need to get more people in the clan. Esentially since you must have kicked around half of the members. I usually go on quick server or public ones and start recruiting there. you dont need to recruit what would be the 'ideal member'(not only active inforums but skillful ingame). in this step you recruit as many people as posible since only a few of them will stay in the clan, most will get inactive (and then you should kick them), go to other clans or quit just quit the clan for no reason.

Forth step: keeping it alive
After having gone throw that you should try harder to keep your clan alive. Personally I recomend weekly activity checks; asking members to tell you in avance if they are going to be afk; hosting some events inside the clan, maybe giving a few tc to the winner and that kind of things
Last edited by Onsola; Sep 5, 2015 at 05:43 PM.