Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Boomhits: What they are, and tips on how to do them.
Note: This tutorial is a bit advanced, you may want to familiarize yourself with Toribash before trying.

So, ladies and gentlemen, with me being rather bored, i decided to make this thread, to clear up some things on boomhits that might have been nagging you, your neighbor or just that guy on the other side of Earth.

1. So what the hell is boomhits?

Well, it's really quite simple. It kind of lies in the word itself; a hit with explosive power. The way a boomhit is generally defined is at least three dismemberments in one hit, preferrably in one frame as well. The term "boomhit" refers to any and every limb you can think of performing it with, but if you want to be a little more specific, you can just add "boom" as a prefix to your attacking action OR the limb you perform it with, "boomkick", "boompunch", "boomfist" or "boomhead", for example.
Simple, eh? Good. Now let's move on to the next point...

2. Cool, but why should i bother?

Well, for one, because it looks seriously awesome if you blast Uke all over the place with a couple of boomhits. And secondly, if (and only IF) you manage to score a boomhit in a multiplayer match, your opponent may very well be in deep shit. Even if disqualification is disabled, the amount of points scored, along with the disabled joints can prove very difficult to come back against. You're going to need more than a little advice if you're going to score a boomhit in multiplayer though. Think of them as critical hits in other games. Don't rely on them, but be glad when they happen.
So there, that's why you should bother. Final section, right here:

3. Sweet, i want to try them!

Hold on a second! You don't just try boomhits like that tutorial move, they often require a good deal of editing. As i don't really have any direct instructions, you'll have to do with my words and some images. ANYWAYS, on to the points!
1. Momentum
You aren't going to do any boomhits if you don't have any momentum behind your blows. Generally, this momentum comes from skillful use of your joints (no shit), but this is a very general term. What you're really looking for is leverage, as it provides both speed and momentum. This can be gained by pushing the ground, grabbing and swinging Uke or something like it.
When grabbing Uke, you should let your joints move to a point near their extremes...

... And then sort of reverse it all, and deliver the mighty blow...

... Resulting in several dismembers at once. This kick produced 4, and used mostly brute force to dismember. However, momentum alone won't really do anything without speed...
2. Speed
... Because as we all know, force is "mass * velocity^2", so speed really means a lot. It has more than that function though, because due to the somewhat weird collision detection of Toribash, with sufficient speed, your swung limb may "phase" into Ukes body before actually impacting, resulting in both a wide area, powerful forces and high points. For example!

Notice how my foot is inside Ukes torso, but it hasn't actually collided with it yet. Now look at the result a few frames later...

Very nasty. He got devastated because my foot was inside his torso before impacting, and this was achieved thanks to a high speed.

Now, momentum and speed alone can score you some impressive boomhits, but if you really want them to shine, you need to aim as well.
3. Aim and timing
Just senselessy throwing a boom-powered attack in the general direction of Uke usually doesn't net you a proper boomhit. You should instead try to aim for tight clusters of joints, if possible. The tightest clusters in the starting T-position are the upper torso and butt areas, as shown here:

These areas are good targets for boomhits, but don't get me wrong, any area where the joints are close together can be boomed just fine. Manipulating Uke so the joints are in close proximity is also a very good strategy.
And another not-quite-as-big thing would be the timing of your movements. You should time them so that your movements cause maximum speed and force for your attacking limb, while preferrably pulling Uke towards them. Also, when extending your knee, the optimal point to strike Uke with would be somewhere in between 2/3rds and 3/4ths through it's full motion from contraction to extension, as this is usually where your knee (and many other joints, actually) is at its top speed. I'm pretty sure i don't need images for this, but do tell if i do.

These three points can be reduced to three initial letters... M, S and A. For easier remembering, we can rearrange those letters to SAM. UNCLE SAM WANTS YOU, BOI!

4. Tips from other players! (In order of appearance)

OrAclE sez:
"A relaxed ankle helps get the foot deeper into the body... at least in my experience."

"Also a note, at certain speed / momentum I find it becomes a lot harder to score a boomhit. I have mutliple replays where I'm moving too fast for the force to be applied to the joints. It just gets wedged in between two joints and does nothing. So a certain amount of control is necessary for the velocity of the move... at least for me."

"Another thing, aiming at the chest joint is only good if:

a) your kick isnt moving vertically too fast


b) if a is happening, you're hitting the upper half of the chest joint.

If you aim too low on that joint with a vertical kick you can get your foot breaking the pecs but for some odd reason the chest can take a massive point beating but refuse to break. Higher up the chest joint increases the chance of a chest/neck break."

Splinter sez:
"Today it seems like grabbing is a deadly sin. But when it comes to boomhits, no one cares. Nothing coveres a grab better then a boomhit."

Moltex sez:
"Aim is definitely the most essential part in boomhitting, at least it is for me. You can have a kick with tons and tons of force behind it, but if you hit a bad spot you will end up with only one or two dismemberments. Instead, if you tweak the kick so that it hits a more critical area(which might also weaken the kick), you might get a boomhit of three or more easily, instead of the previous two."

Ragdollmaster sez:
"Another tip- it's very hard for a boomhit to be a starting move, especially in multiplayer. Work up to it as a combo so you can get the needed momentum and manipulate the other player / Uke into a position where it has maximum power. To go along with what what Splinter said, grabbing is a big asset when it comes to trying a boomhit. A final tip- aiming at the appendages will close to never merit a boomhit, unless it's the parts highest parts up, like the shoulders (Pecs/Lumbar/Shoulder/Neck are vulnerable) or the thighs (Both the thighs and glutes and the abs are vulnerable). Go for a body shot!"

JDawg sez:
"Don't forget to use all the parts of your body to gain momentum. Just because your other arm isn't doing anything doesn't mean that it can't be moved to change your position and give you more leverage."

"Also, when shook says that 2/3 to 3/4 of the maximum extension of your knee is optimum at contact, make sure you start your kick early enough to get this much extension. Remember, your bent knee moving towards uke will have force pushing against it, keeping the knee contracted, and there is a small, yet considerable amount of time for it to overcome that force and begin extension."


I suppose that's pretty much it. Feel free to suggest things! ;)
Last edited by WorldEater; Oct 28, 2017 at 03:52 PM. Reason: tags
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
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