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Replays in a grammatically correct thread.
Yeah. Let's see if i can keep this post in good, clean English, shall we? But anyways, I've finally made enough replays to merit a new thread... Hopefully, you'll not be puking all over the place.

Four fists in the aaaiiirrr...: I like, start out by manipulating Uke into a flipping frenzy, though he only gets to do one flip before my hand greets the side of his head, shortly followed by a slap to the elbow. Then i chase him a little, seeing that he's flying away from me, and bash his butt twice. All without grabbing.

Pretty much: A double kick from behind. I like this because of the speed i switch attacking foot with. It was also involved in getting the "Shadow Attack" achievement, found in Blams Achievement script.

Punt: I manipulate Uke around a little, and then punt his head off. Simply put.

Rorghle smileyspam woop: Included for the hell of it. It's basically me screwing around with emotes...

That's a 10 on the Torino scale: I start at 1000 distance, and then jump my way over to Uke, so i can deliver a hefty fusillade of angry attacks. Also notice how i skeet-shoot his head... And yes, i unfortunately had to use a grab to get the chest dismemberment, as a non-grab dismember there would have been next to impossible.

Comments and constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated...

I'm sure i failed with my grammar SOMEWHERE...
Attached Files
Class A - Pretty much.rpl (59.9 KB, 85 views)
Class A - Punt.rpl (90.9 KB, 78 views)
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
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