Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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im an actual idiot
now before you go "wow you fuckin tard," this was a while back so chill.
i just wanna share my enlightening story. So one day, after buying a butt load of toricredits, i went to check the market. The first 2 things to pop up were shiai tokens for 2000 apiece. I knew at the time that you could exchange them for item, but i didn't know that you DEPRECATED shiai tokens were completely useless. I thought this was the luckiest day of my life, and i bought 7 deprecated shiai tokens. I then went to the exchange and went to my balance, and it said 0. I was a little confused at why, but i didn't care too much, i just kept clicking exchange expecting something to happen. After about 2 minutes of trying in vain, i finally delved into the forums to see what was wrong. I then stumbled across a thread that pretty much said that deprecated tokens are fucking worthless. I then went through a brief moment of contemplating suicide (it's a joke chill), and then stopped playing for like a year.
To this day, i still feel like an idiot (prolly cuz i am), and i swear to god i want to hunt down whoever posted those, knowing some idiot like me would buy them thinking they were exchangeable.