Hey all, it's good to see the discussions pumping, it already smells like CL season! let me just quickly step in to clear up the space and explain the most divisive decision for this years CL.

The decision of 10 participants per clan was made to ensure equal chances for all teams, as well as bring in a new tactical edge where all rosters are public and defined. This in itself allows for clans to better strategise, instead of playing a guessing game out of a 50 member roster. 5 people is the minimum needed to participate, we allow for 5 possible replacements.

In the past there would be instances of uneven match-ups which would be used as an opportunity to give rewards to lesser players from the clan, by locking in the picks this gives the due respect to all participants and ups the competitive nature of the event.

The decision is final, and we're giving a long enough heads up for clans to create rosters and to allow for any possible migration between.