Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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who here likes psychology
"A joke is a form of a well disguised thought or emotion which may be subconscious or deliberate coated in a manner with wit and comic substance. The truth lies in the fact that it initially was a thought or an emotion of a person which is true or a fact." - romsha pandey (masters in psychology))

"Making a joke about a serious topic releases the tension and makes us feel more comfortable." phil stark (licensed therapist, creator of dude wheres my car?)

"Jokes requires us to entertain the presupposition as if it were true, to kinda-sorta endorse it. Unless the context is one that explicitly cancels that endorsement for both the joke teller and the audience, the endorsement extends beyond the joking frame. The joke serves, in some contexts, to reinforce the communally held beliefs it presupposes and, in others, to challenge those very beliefs."jennifer marra henrigillis and steven gimbel - 3.2: Joking as Truth-Telling


I've checked in with Aliosa and I am confident that he acknowledges that this is in incredibly poor taste and that jokes of this nature won't happen again (and to my knowledge haven't since).

But a horrible joke made 4 years ago by a 15 year old in a private server does not warrant further action, especially since this has come up before and was appropriately addressed in staff channels at the time.

If you have any further additions to make feel free to do so but currently I don't see anything to action beyond my talk with Aliosa.

do you genuinely, and honestly think that having a singular conversation leads to the correct resolution in this particular situation?

are you not at all concerned that you could have a staff member on the team who as a younger teenager could have committed or thought about comitting vile disgusting acts on younger individuals because of their exposure to this awful disgusting media that they were clearly and obviously aware of to the extend to where they found it (even in a 15 year olds head) acceptable to joke about?

do you just want to remain ignorant to your "peers" misdeeds because it doesn't affect you?

does this not raise even a single little hair of concern for you at all in the slightest?

if not that says more about you than it says about aliosa in my honest opinion.
Do you like psychology? I don't think quoting random and cherry-picked psych opinions constitutes psychology.

If you're so concerned about this, what's your proposal? What does accountability look like to you? How does Ali prove that the joke was born of insensitivity and not of underlying attraction to children? Have you even considered the former? If he were to have a deeply unfortunate attraction towards children, what would you want to happen?

Approach this kind of shit in good faith. Most folks just want to shit-sling when it comes to pedophilia; it's by far the most popular and normalized form of virtue signaling.
<Hush> the beat feature sounds like the main event at a circle jerk festival
Originally Posted by Toffee View Post
Do you like psychology? I don't think quoting random and cherry-picked psych opinions constitutes psychology.

If you're so concerned about this, what's your proposal? What does accountability look like to you? How does Ali prove that the joke was born of insensitivity and not of underlying attraction to children? Have you even considered the former? If he were to have a deeply unfortunate attraction towards children, what would you want to happen?

Approach this kind of shit in good faith. Most folks just want to shit-sling when it comes to pedophilia; it's by far the most popular and normalized form of virtue signaling.

good take, respect
"Approach this kind of shit in good faith. Most folks just want to shit-sling when it comes to pedophilia; it's by far the most popular and normalized form of virtue signaling."

i dont know what the fuck this means i just dont like that someone who has on record said what they said is not something that should be taken as lightly as it currently is being taken

dude said something like "i'd pin a loli" that isnt just something a normal fucking person says in my humble opinion
You answered exactly zero of my questions and picked the least interesting part of my post to reply to with a big nothing-burger. This further gives the impression that you don't actually care about this in a meaningful way.
<Hush> the beat feature sounds like the main event at a circle jerk festival
i am protesting rather peacefully

all you are doing is trying to make me feel upset while looking as smart as you can.

well i am not very smart, but i do know that you have zero fucking right to tell me what i feel about a particular topic.

I was fucking groomed playing this game.

i feel as though this sentence while rather intrusive is necessary to show you and every other person who tries to come on here and defend this person for essentially saying what equates to "I would fuck a little girl" is contributing to my mental health being as shit as it is right now. i grew up with this game, i discovered who i am through this game, i hate this game more than anything but i cant pretend like my past doesnt exist, this game being this fucking awful to people like me, people who have gone through what i have, people who are what i am, is not okay at all on any level. trans woman, woman, victim. I do not take this lightly, but i have ZERO interest in discussing on this thread any further. if a STAFF MEMBER, who is willing to hear me out not as an internet troll but a fucking person who feels pain everyday in her innocent passion for a dying indie game. as apposed to this puppeteer who thinks they have the world all figured out. i would be more than willing to talk about this matter, but i dont see that coming any time at all.
Last edited by Nurse; Jul 12, 2024 at 06:25 AM.
I asked the most basic questions when it comes to this topic in a public thread you created about it. You don't want to actually discuss any of it apparently (while accusing me of not engaging in real conversation about it??). What did I defend? Quote my defense of grooming. When did I tell you how to feel about it? Quote me doing so. But please answer the most pressing questions first.
<Hush> the beat feature sounds like the main event at a circle jerk festival
I don't know how to more clearly tell you that you're making an incredibly serious accusation and the only "proof" you have is a 5 year old joke.

When we're given real evidence we act on it swiftly and harshly but this does not warrant that action. We cannot act without good evidence, and we will not act on a 5 year old joke or you simply saying "I was groomed".

This is your last warning because frankly every single time I've seen your name pop up in the last week it's been because you're making some form of stink about absolutey nothing and I'm over it.

It's also wild to say that essentially everyone who disagrees with you is directly contributing towards your mental health. Please go and get some irl help because this is now unacceptable. And I say that with as much compassion and empathy as I can.


Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.