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ToriOlympics 2008 - Week 4 - ToriHurdling and ToriFencing

Welcome to the ToriOlympics 2008, week 4!

Another tournament ahead! Fencing tournament!
And many peoples favorite, ToriHurdling!
This is gonna be an exciting week. :3
All times are in GMT. Remember, -5 GMT is EST time.
This week is two days longer, because the last one was two days shorter.
This week ends in 2nd March.
Replays will be judged in 3rd March.

ToriHurdling, part one

ToriHurdling is actually the hardest part of ToriOlympics 2008.
You have to go the given course as fast as possible.
The goal is Uke.
The fastest three replays will win.
The picture of the mod:

I just posted drawings so that it's easier to find out where to go.


Do not go round to Uke.
Do not dismember yourself.
Do not hack the replays.
Do not steal and edit other peoples' replays.
You can only post three replays.


Mod: ToriHurdling1.tbm
Engage distance: 3 000
Dismemberment: 1
Dismemberthreshold: 100


A tournament where we use a mod called Fencing.tbm.
This tournament takes place in Nabi server; server 15, Saturday 1st March, 15:00 GMT
10:00 in eastern time.


This is an elimination tournament.
When you come to the server, spec.
When you will be called, enter.
The top two players will go to the finals.
In finals, the first player gaining five wins will win the gold prize.
The two players who lost to the first and second will fight for the bronze prize.
It is not a win if your opponent is AFK or disconnected.
Those who over-swear, especially at the officials, risk getting kicked.
Fights in which the first turn is 'glitchy' will be restarted.
You must have a black belt or higher to participate (not my call, sorry guys).
There is no need to sign up, just show up and SPEC.


Match frames: 120
Turn frames: 10
Dismemberment: 1
Dismemberthreshold: 300
Engage distance: 275
Dojo Size: 1 000
Damage: 0
Sumo: 1

The prizes for this tourney are

Gold: Two textures of choice or
Silver: One texture of choice or or
Bronze: 8 000 TC
Last edited by Tonakai; Mar 26, 2008 at 02:15 PM.
i dont actually think it would be possbile to get to uke.

What is the prize for the fencing comp?
Originally Posted by Hector View Post

Different prizes this time.
EDIT: K, decided the prizes. Almost the same.
Last edited by Tonakai; Feb 23, 2008 at 10:47 PM.
OMFG torihurdling is hard took me 1000 frames to even get up the first obstacle o_O
Originally Posted by hoho123 View Post

I Want To ManBreakfast Massage Me When He Massage I Will Pay

I have got some PM's can you go round the course instead of going past all the obstacles.
Well, the answer is a big...


Why would it be an obstacle course if you would get round of it... D:
Originally Posted by Tonakai View Post
I have got some PM's can you go round the course instead of going past all the obstacles.

What the heck ?? Go round the course = NO contest =/
Just to mention, I'm through the course. Not going around any obstacle.
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

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Just for fun reached Uke going round obstacles, 2000 frames from the 1st (and the last) try.

Now passing it according to the rules, its interesting and hard challenge * crawling under that low obstacle*