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{img} Some photoshop workz
I've been working in photoshop for the past... 20 mins and made 2 pretty cool images, enjoy ^^

Former Item Forger
ty ^^ I saw some that were like these earlier, and I tried to make them then, but I guess my timing was off, cause now I can make em wy better XD
Former Item Forger
In image number 2, I have noticed that the letters seem to have a "shrink-wrap" effect to them. I have also noticed taht most of the letters have a white outline, and yet The "I" and the "N" have a black outline. It does not seem like this should happen. If you ment to do this for design qualities, please tell me why. I have yet to see the connection.

I had a gradient stroke on the letters, to add a "shine" effect, when that failed I changed it, I left the black there because I thought it added depth.
Former Item Forger
the second image, is extremely sharp in a lot of places, use the blur tool on it,
or use a small light smudge tool, after that, I think it should look perfect :>
<hanz0> Once upon a time... NUCLEAR WINTER!
<Iburnaga> I would suck to get anally raped. XD
you smooshed the reflection on the first one to much. but great job.
[12:04] <@Jarmund> the only thing that could make it even clearer that he didn't have a woman, would be if he played WoW
[21:20] <blkk> what does fap mean?