Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Original Post
[Art] Manga and stuff
I sketch something up every now and then (aka almost everyday) and I thought I'd share, if anyone is interested. I've been doing traditional art for a time but only late last year I've decided to get serious about art AND learn digital (Manga Studio in particular).

I'd also like to warn you that I occasionally work at retardly high resolutions and I'm too much of a fuccboi to resize, so please, bear with me. All considered, enjoy.




120 Study


Last edited by dbuhos; Mar 28, 2015 at 03:50 PM.
Centuries Of Damn
Great sketches, you can clearly see improvement as the sketch numbers go higher and higher. My advice: keep doing what you're doing - you are on the right track.

You could also start trying to work on cleaning up the line-art. Simple way is to just be a little patient and draw over your initial sketch(on a new layer), making the lines as crisp as possible. That will definitely improve the quality of the whole painting. You will have to learn this sooner or later, so why wait!
Originally Posted by Pheature View Post
Great sketches, you can clearly see improvement as the sketch numbers go higher and higher. My advice: keep doing what you're doing - you are on the right track.

You could also start trying to work on cleaning up the line-art. Simple way is to just be a little patient and draw over your initial sketch(on a new layer), making the lines as crisp as possible. That will definitely improve the quality of the whole painting. You will have to learn this sooner or later, so why wait!

Oh, my patience is pretty bad, I get bored after I do the initial concept/design. Barely got any pieces I'd call finished..well, I'll try and do my best.
Centuries Of Damn
Hey I remember that name. You are that guy in minibash :o

Nice sketches. They look great. Weird cause, some of them look like my sketches 0_o
Over all nice work i have some critiques thou
1. Less effects (the dots and crossed lines)
2.there out of proportion ( i know some are sketchs but getting the proportions right make all the difference)
3. I like the sketchyness of most of your work it added character to your work

From one manga artist to another nice work!
I still take texture requests for usd
Studied some stuff most of the day, warmed down with these, kinda meh but hey.

Last edited by dbuhos; Mar 3, 2015 at 01:44 PM.
Centuries Of Damn
The face doesnt look like it goes to the head you have there
the angle is off you have a turned head but a face thats drawn looking like its forward
the sketch is good

your sketch

Example - this face flows with the angle


I still take texture requests for usd
Yyy, thanks. .-. I'm fucking up big time at perspective, I always get confused while trying to apply it, specially when doing full bodies.



Last edited by dbuhos; Mar 4, 2015 at 09:46 AM.
Centuries Of Damn
you should do a perspective study draw 1 head in tons of different angles i do
it from time to time to get some good practice in
I still take texture requests for usd