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Art board rule proposition
Hey, I was just talking to some dudes in #ormo and we noticed a certain practice in the art forums, specifically in videos, that we're not too keen on.

There's an occasional tendency for video makers to use toribash replays in videos either without the consent of the replaymaker, without crediting the replaymaker, or both. I think a rule should be in place that says you must credit the replaymaker, at least. I don't take too much offense to the taking of replays without asking permission, although it should be courtesy to ask anyway.

So yeah, a rule saying that replaymakers must be credited would be kinda nice, seeing as without the replays the videos wouldn't even exist.
[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~
I think this is fair.
I don't personally make replays but i know when i try to make anything if iv borrowed work from someone else i always credit it out of pure respect.

Even that player who is featured in the replays name at the bottom of that part of the video would be fair but i don't even think people do that anymore.
CkyToH/GuineaTigg Active from Mar 2008 - Jan 2019
Yeah, it's definitely becoming a trend to use replays and then not credit the maker or even use their Tori.

And at that point you're just stealing replays.

agreed, i dont see why anyone would oppose the rule
i used to not /lp them for several reasons, but i'd still give credit

i dont think it should be required to /lp them, credit is enough, in the art thread AND in the video description tho
didn't mean it should be a requirement to /lp them, i was just saying when theres no credit given AND no tori is displayed, it's essentially stealing

sorry for the confusion

I agree that this should be a standard rule

At the same time, it does make it a little more difficult for videomakers to collect replays for videos as only a fraction of the people who create replays in the replay board also post in the Events board

I myself personally -only- take replays from my thread in the Events board but that also means that my selection is very limited; if I were to say to suddenly have the inspiration to make a video I pretty much have to wait a few days before I have enough replays to start. Waiting for replies on PMs or forum posts might take longer and honestly is rather frustrating

On top of that, what is to be done with the stock replays? Do we also need permission to use them?

I'm all for crediting the replaymakers but I believe that all replays on the replay threads should be free for all to use unless said otherwise (Say, if you were to say in the first post of the thread that you would prefer to be asked first).

Just my two cents, I'd like to hear what other people think
I do some videos
Feel free to PM me for any video-related questions
I agree with this.

I mean it's not like it's hard to just remember who made the replay and credit them in the post or the video.
Yeah, I have no problem with having blank toris in videos for artistic reasons, and I think if I were a videomaker I would most likely take replays wherever I could find them. I don't think many people would be insulted when someone thinks their replay is good enough to put in a video.

I just think the replaymakers deserve a spot in the credits
[12:00] <fudgiebalz> toribash SUCKS
Check my ~~~Dank Replays~~~
Poke an art board mod with the suggestion, ideally an alive one...

I will note that this wont entirely stop it from happening, people will still make videos and do the same shit, they just wouldn't appear in the board. Sadly it's not something that can really be 100% controlled.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
if people are required to credit the replay maker there should also be a rule to give the name of the artist or track they used as well
or if someone decided to use someones tori that isnt the replay makers they should also give the name of the player, because it isnt really an uncommon thing
and maybe they should also have to give the name of which shaders they used in the video (although this one might be a little tedious)
Originally Posted by Slycooper View Post
dont think it should be required to /lp them, credit is enough, in the art thread AND in the video description tho

and the video description?
that one sounds a little fucking dumb imo
Last edited by cat; Apr 28, 2015 at 08:39 PM.