Endurance Onslaught 6.0
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Torishop update
Good time of a day!

As you may have noticed, Torishop has been disabled for some time today. This happened due to major pricing changes we made.


First of all, a lot of items' prices became more reasonable.
You wouldn't have to pay the same amounts of TC for main item types like bloods or joints and miscellaneous stuff (timers, user texts and so on) anymore.
You can check the difference by visiting the "View items by color" section in Torishop.

Secondly, all items are now ranged by Tiers.
Each tier has its own price borders and QI restrictions.
In addition to that, there are two special groups of items: Beginner items and Elite items.
Obviously, first one was made for beginner players and the second one - for pro players

Beginner items includes the cheapest items (250-500 TC for full set) with 0 QI restriction and Elite items are those with the highest prices (up to one million TC) and QI restrictions (up to 20,000).


And thirdly, as you can see in the list above, a brand new color was added.


Ingame look

Vortex is on a timed sale (price is two times lower, QI restriction is 10 times lower) until the end of January.
Hurry up to get it in time!

So that is all! Have fun with new prices!
The shop is down, does it by any chance have anything to do with this?


And by this I mean people bitching like children.
This was not ranting. I have marketed as well but of course not as much as you have. I do agree with you that in a couple of weeks this will all go back to normal. However, the purpose of my "ranting" was to prevent these spontaneous and illogical change of prices. Oh, and also, by "ingame investors" I mean the people who pay in USD to buy Toribash items. These are the people who keep this game alive and the recent changes discourage there investments. Btw, I don't use the items forum because I make a server called aikido training and trade there and anyways most of my trades (even buying) is on the market itself pls (imapirate style)
Redundant: sure there is no guarantee for me not to lose my investment. But, investment x has no guarantee then less people would want to buy it <--- This is not what you want. Btw, my dad trades in EGX 30 for a living now. I know how the stock market works LOL
Last edited by Hypersphere; Jan 15, 2014 at 01:35 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
I can totally kick the shit out of a plastic bag!
Originally Posted by Hypersphere View Post
Btw, my dad trades in EGX 30 for a living now. I know how the stock market works LOL

Then quit making stupid statements.
How are you?
Hypersphere people who buy items for dollars cant support this game they support other marketeeers who are providing that service....

only way to support the game by buying items with cash is to buy the no qi items from the shop....

pls check your facts w o w
If i remember corectly there was a warning on halloween, when all prices dropped.
Pm me for deals
imapirate: yeh...ok
Insanity: I'm not sure, but that would have been a good thing. That was actually part of my suggestions so that they don't screw up the market, like now...
I can totally kick the shit out of a plastic bag!
It's not screwed in any way...considering all "the marketeers'' lost was profit and this was a minot set-back for making more profit.
Change is good, but still, i hope it stays this way, because it's not fun anymore, this is not a game anymore @.@ or is it?
Pm me for deals
The chart with the Tiers is really useful, thank you for that.
I am the madness that lurks inside all of you... begging to be free at every moment in the depths of your animal minds.
Answering some of the questions:

Why the hell would you make a very high in demand item such as toxic a blue belt item

Because it is in high demand, the question answers itself. If the QI restriction is low it doesn't mean that this item is generally undesired.

Could we buy item that higher tier via transfer item? I mean buy it from market thread?

No, QI restrictions work as usual. Tier system was introduced just for an easier classification of QI restrictions.

if any two things should be moved up to the 10k+ qi zone it should be Quicksilver and Platinum.

I doubt that making all black/white monochrome colors 10th dan+ items is ever going to work.

There is no way Alpha should be more expensive than Void or Demon, and also examples like Toxic and other things like Quicksilver being dropped down.

Alpha was a complementary color for [Alpha] in the first place, so it can be more expensive just because it is some sort of a collectible color forged specially for one clan and just made public.
Toxic and Quicksilver both have the highest prices among all other items of their tiers. There is absolutely no sense in having a price of 300k for a full set of a color that is accessible to Green Belts.

One thing you guys who worked on this update might not understand, players like the customization.

Exactly this idea was taken as a basis for the change. Previously a player could afford himself either some Gladiator items or nothing until he was green belt or even higher. New prices allow having noticeably more colors to choose from after he got to that belt. I'm not even speaking of Black Belt, when more than a half of colors are accessible (and 1k QI isn't even a half of what most players who stay in the game get after some time).

When will the item pictures for the Vortex items been updated?

They are going to stay as they are now, at least for now.

And I totally agree with Suck. I don't have time to get 20k qi, nor work for a year to get it.

Only 4.4% of items (if we only take colors) require 20k QI. You don't really have to get that much in order to customize your character in the way you want.
And you can always purchase QI from the Torishop.

Timed sale including those special things such as lower price, qi, etc, but will it still be sold after the end of January?

Yes, it will. The price will be higher and each item will require 10.000 QI.

Just a little personal opinion here but I think they should consult today's biggest marketers and ask for their opinions
List o' big marketers;

Instead of keeping this to yourselves let the average user state their opinion and allow for a democratic change because this sucks it really did screw a ton of people over.

Obviously you do not know what does a "democratic change" mean by recommending consulting 4 richest players of the community. If we did that, the change would've been rather made in favor of oligarchy rather than "average users".
An average Toribash user doesn't know about forum existence or/and uses Torishop for his purchases rather than Market board.

50$? come on, that's way worse, 18$ was fine...

$18 for one of the most expensive colors in the game was not fine. Especially taken the fact that it was being sold with no QI restriction.
If we convert the price into TC, $18 is less than 28k at official $/TC rate and about 200k at the "black market" rate. Both are way too low.

Sir, i have a imperial force and i am 2nd dan, what will happen with me?

You will be happy that you got a 5th dan item for TC instead of $27 USD.

So, because of tiers, say i let my friend borrow Azurite Force for a while, then all of a sudden this? Can i still get my force back? Or is tier shit in the way?

Feel free to contact me once your ban is lifted. If you manage to prove that it was borrowed from you (and not transferred to dozens of other people like some of the Azurite Forces from your inventory were), the item will be returned back to you if your friend agrees.

but i think this tier thing are going to ruin the market
many alts brown belts etc..
are not playing in game but just keep marketing

Ironically, Toribash is a fighting game and not an business/economic simulator.
All items are still available to be sold/bought from other users instead of Torishop.

The shop is down, does it by any chance have anything to do with this?

It was down for some minutes due to the server backup.

The reason why there was no public announcement is that it would have just provoked chaotic attempts to sell all the stuff to those who haven't heard of the upcoming update. The rich would have lost less, average users who don't pay that much attention to market-related announcements would have lost more.
Step-by-step price reduction wouldn't make anyone feel better, either. Those who knew which items were going to become cheaper every next moment would have profited by selling them to those who don't. Finally, that would have created the same chaos as a usual announcement.

I also hate pointing out the TOS which everyone agrees with by registering, but it seems that this is the moment when many people forgot them:
Originally Posted by Toribash Terms of Service
...5. Nabi Ownership
All virtual currency and items are the property of Nabi Studios Pte LTD. Nabi Studios reserve the right to remove, edit, move, or close any thread for any reason, without any obligation to notify you. Nabi Studios owns all items and reserves the right to remove them from your account at any time for any reason. They also may ban and modify accounts for any reason, without any obligation to inform you in advanced or afterwards. ..