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Toribash 4.6 - Windows - OSX

UPDATE (4.62)
- fixed startup crash bug on Intel cards 4.61
- fixed audio, reflection when object below ground
- fixed close whisper tab
- fixed server sort for belt restriction
- fixed./lp on cached replay

New features:
- room name shows ingame
- new default replays
- show multi clienters (MC)
- show afk clients (AFK)
- unpause match when player who paused the game leave server
- duel scam preventions

Bug fixes:
- fixed changing reaction time to update turn timeout
- changed server desc when tournament is over or off
- fixed client takeovers
- fixed status command
- fixed paused command when match was started
- fixed copy paste crash
- elo penalties for quitters
- fixed right click mouse state sometime remain camera move mode
- fixed duel room hang when player spec or quit
- fixed ban command

- disabled pov screenshot

Server command cleanup:
All commands that take a parameter can be called without it setting anything. So you can use /duel or /duel status to see what kind of duel is running.

All commands are tab completed.

Usage: /duel <stop|status|earnings>
Usage: /duel <start> <tc>
Usage: /passwd <password|clear>
Usage: /send id [cmd]
Usage: /earnings <username>
Usage: /autobet <uke|tori|off> <tc>
Usage: /minbet <tc>
Usage: /betframes <frame>
Usage: /maxrake <tc>
Usage: /bet <amount> <name>
Usage: /bets
Usage: /vip <list|clear>
Usage: /vip <add|del> <username>
Usage: /ban <list|clear>
Usage: /ban <add|del> <username|ip>
Usage: /unban <username|ip>
Usage: /kick <username> [reason]
Usage: /hotseat <on|off>
Usage: /fuke <username>
Usage: /pass <password>
Usage: /passwd <newpassword|clear>
Usage: /setowner <password|clear>
Usage: /owner <password>
Usage: /setowner <password|clear>
Usage: /status <username|list>
Usage: /shout <message>
Usage: /hush <on|off>
Usage: /centerprint <message>
Usage: /nudgeup <username>
Usage: /nudgedown <username>
Usage: /nudge <username> <posititon>
Usage: /mute <username>
Usage: /fspec <username>
Usage: /fenter <username>
Usage: /fnock <username>
Usage: /lockdown <on|off>
Usage: /knockout <on|off>
Usage: /pause <on|off>
Usage: /enterfee <tc>
Usage: /knockoutprize <tc>
Usage: /decapprize <tc>
Usage: /dismemberprize <tc>
Usage: /op <username>
Usage: /deop <username>
Usage: /broadcast <message>
Usage: /whowas <username|list>
Usage: /house <username>
Usage: /stats <username>
Usage: /fwin <username>
Usage: /minbelt <games played>
Usage: /maxbelt <games played>
Usage: /maxclients <maximum players>
Usage: /motd [message of the day]
Usage: /desc [server description]
Usage: /queuejump <queue position>
Usage: /ranking <modname|global> [start rank]
Usage: /nameopener <name>
Last edited by sir; Nov 23, 2013 at 01:23 PM. Reason: fixed links
Originally Posted by deprav View Post
I was hopping for some improvements with the point system, possibility to change/tweak the amount of points depending on the locations etc... apparently not.

not even grab ball axis connection, nor grab threshold
- Cant see anymore country code ingame (not via stats, no via info).
- Player that goes offline appearing in buddy list like he still in room (in last room he was).
To see that he really offline I need to reopen client.
-No horizontal scrolling in multiplayer window. Setting a low width (800x600 in my case) cutting multiplayer window from left and not able to see part of infromation of rooms. (see screenshot)


Last edited by xbcz; Nov 11, 2013 at 07:02 AM.
Originally Posted by togo View Post
A lot of problems have been reported for the new update. Please be patient as the staff is working very hard to solve all of the problems

Guys... As I said already once before be Patient!

Hampa and his staff have a lot to work on... It isn't helping to keep repeating the something 15 other users are saying.
Originally Posted by xbcz View Post
-No horizntal scrolling in myltiplayer window. Setting a low width (800x600 in my case) cutting multiplayer window from left and not able to see part of infromation of rooms. (see screenshot)

Try 960x560 that's work for me
Idk why you guys are spending so much time on trying to uphold the rank system, I mean i know it's cool and all but if people wanna rank farm so be it, the whole -1 elo thing probably wasnt the best idea honestly, but there are lots of things more important than rank farmers, I honestly dont care if a guy has 1850 elo from farming joust mods, everyone knows that the best players dont even play competitevely enough to have an 1850 elo under normal circumstances, if some guy wants to waste all his time persuing a top 5 rank that's his choice, i'd rather the point system be revamped, and all the small glitches that make the game less appealing to the new players or even the old ones fixed. Tc farming is a big deal though only because it kind of wrecks the communities economy, and to me the item section of the forum is the most fun so if hampa really halved the tc per win counter that's cool.

One other thing is that i would like is that you (hampa, etc) make it so that Aikdo, Aikido Big Dojo, and mods of the sort become less dependant on wrist control than as is, i've noticed an increase in people manipulating wrists just for dm's and although it is a skill, it makes the mod a lot less competitive, again this is what I think.
Last edited by Grim; Nov 5, 2013 at 07:20 AM.
♥Team Aikido-[Obey]-OoT-[Vibe]-Team Pokemon♥
Originally Posted by BadTroll View Post
Try 960x560 that's work for me

thanks its worked for me too. But I have 4 : 3 dislpay, so it fits bad on my screen
for doing other things un the same time. Anyway good if it will be fixed.
good work!
but, i still dont understand about the penalty, what happend if i time out? or what is happening when someone got 10 penalties?
sorry for my bad english