Original Post
*Nabi Sparring Replay Comp*
heh, I wont plague you with some long overview of this, but all you need to know is that this will be new to most people. Should prove to be an interesting and enjoyable experience to watch, and of course, should be really cool
Of course, Talking about Sparring replays. Controlling both you and uke in and to hand combat. Mimicing sparring matches using different styles such as Karate, TKD, UFC, MMA, Judo, Wrestling, Or even street fighting, and creating something great.

Ok the rules will be simple, but the execution should prove to be a bit tougher.

You will create a replay in which you fight Controlling both You and Uke (or If you are daring, using the 3-4 player generator), and you basically create a realistic looking sparring match between the characters.
Considering realism, When I look at these replays, I really dont expect to see decap kicks, total dismemberments, all that stuff. I do expect to see fluid movements though. hits that dont result in Decaps necessarily, but ones that in a real fight would hurt the opponent. Sweep kicks that knock the opponent to the floor. Punches that disorient said opponent. Blah blah blah.
Ok, if I am being confusing, Here are some replays you can check out that will depict this.
Nuthug's replay
My Replays

Some basic settings to work with.
Mod: Classic/sambo Preferred. If you want to use a mod, just ask me and I will approve. Like if you want to make a street fight replay, and you want to use alleyway, go ahead. But still, no instagib crap or anything. I will only accept if the mod actually looks real. Most ring mods would be fine also
Gravity: Again, Classic or sambo Gravity preffered.
Frames: Try not to do more than 5k frames.
DM: No DM preferred (Most people dont lose arms and heads in fist fights I dont think)
Frac: Frac is fine, as long as it is at a higher setting. Maybe 200-300.

You are allowed to post 3 replays only.


Once your replays have qualified for further judging, They will then be judged on the following Criteria.
Grace, Style, Skill, Realism.

Basically, posting a replay of a perfect fight between you and uke where you guys walk towards each other, kick and punch only when necessary, dont use grab a lot, and generally just look smooth will probably do better than some ugly mushed up replay where tori and uke are just smashing into each other while holding onto each other the whole time.

The replays will probably be judged the same way the massive monkees comp was judged, but this is subject to change.

From the time of this post, you will have Roughly a month to submit your entry.
This means that the contest ends on Tuesday, September 31 at 2200GMT

1st = 200k TC
2nd = 90K TC
3rd = 40K TC
Prizes may be added/changed once I get final consent from the sponsor (gman)

So guys, Good luck, have fun, do some great stuff, blah blah blah.
5:13 PM - vasp: everybody's nuts is so good
[00:18:38] <&vespesi3n> you should see when i swallow
[21:49:37] <&vespesi3n> >my mouth when
[21:49:43] <&vespesi3n> >my tastebuds when
dengue, please make more useful posts?

Anywho, some replays here will be used for a video. If you have any objections, PM me and I'll make sure you won't end up in one of my awesomely great videos.

Edit: I won't use them for a video for video competitions.
Last edited by FNugget; Sep 26, 2008 at 06:30 PM.
Fnugget, you better not put any of these replays in a video. I forbid it and such :V

Na, not really.

But really, this comp ends in less then a week. GUYS, IF YOU ARE GOING TO MAKE EPICHAX, DO IT NOW.

5:13 PM - vasp: everybody's nuts is so good
[00:18:38] <&vespesi3n> you should see when i swallow
[21:49:37] <&vespesi3n> >my mouth when
[21:49:43] <&vespesi3n> >my tastebuds when
once again epicness comes in the form of shicken. i've been brave again and changed the mod to twinswords
Attached Files
epic fantasy battle.rpl (568.8 KB, 22 views)
genital warriors PLAY NOW!
rape fighting game
By the way.... there is no September the 31st. When does it end?
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

Like my stuff?
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Sure there is. It comes right after April 30th.

But for all you "Humans" out there, It ends in 36 hours.

Basically ending on the end of the 30th of September, which is tomorrow.
5:13 PM - vasp: everybody's nuts is so good
[00:18:38] <&vespesi3n> you should see when i swallow
[21:49:37] <&vespesi3n> >my mouth when
[21:49:43] <&vespesi3n> >my tastebuds when
hey nice shicken, the beginning is like WAAAAA SAAHHW.

but in the end it becomes little crappy, when they fight laying on the floor :x
i ll watch this interested =)
My deviantART
so wut?
I just had to point that out
Oblivion: that wasn't hilarious
Oblivion: it was brilliantly complex though
Oblivion: hands down man
Oblivion: today I genuinely believe more than I ever did before
Oblivion: that you are better than me
Oblivion: gg NutHug

Like my stuff?
Join my FunClub or subscribe on Youtube
i guess we should put our final 3 replays now
Attached Files
kickboxing match.rpl (506.6 KB, 42 views)
epic fantasy battle.rpl (568.8 KB, 32 views)
fighting [stomp ending].rpl (586.6 KB, 35 views)
Last edited by shicken; Sep 29, 2008 at 11:12 PM.
genital warriors PLAY NOW!
rape fighting game