Hey there Light, buddy.

Blis of eternal apathy:
Alrighty. This is a solid replay I must say. However, ain't goof free.
Opener was alright. You twitched your arm quite heavily around 470 though. And you had a major momentum stop at 440 which kinda broke the flow of the opener.
I don't have any complaints about the part after.
DMs were top notch as always, but they were a bit generic.

Cheers. <3
ORMO|Replays n' stuff|RIP Monk
D.D.D - hllo sS. ok, the opener was ok, have speed with cool movements.
the manip was pretty good... and... Awesome booms, but i dont like the transition for it.
good job.
Factory. Sometimes sleeping.
D.D.D (good Idea Arakata)
The opener I thought was good, but frames 600-450
your upper body is kind of weird. Manipulation could
have been better. The jump looks kind of bad and its slow.
Frames 135 - 0..... Yeah... GG...
Overall 6.5/10
Check out my replays HERE
Should I say something bad about this replay?
That was amaizing, loved everything
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