Endurance Onslaught 6.0
My username is Newbskilla and am 13 years old. Im a black belt and have been playing for 5ish months. I would say my In game activity is 8 i frequently play in my free time and forum acticity is like a 2 i barely come onto the forums.My previous clans were Night Raid, and ZeRoyals I think its called but I got kicked cause this was when i started getting into cs:go. I chose mythilogical cause I liked its name XD. And no i dont have any bans and I own teamspeak.
Something about me is I like anime. Fin.
Originally Posted by xTrickz View Post
Real Name: Tyler
Belt: Brown
Age: 15
In-game activity (0-10): 9
Forum Activity (0-10): 6
Any previous clans and why you left them: No.
Why Mythology: I like the topic of the name and the recruiters seem really nice.
How did you find Mythology: I found this clan by searching through the servers.
How you can you contribute to us: I am into betting and I can become known and represent!
Favorite mods: NA
Any bans/infractions?: NA
Other means of reaching you (ex. Skype): Skype: xAnonymousTB
Something about yourself: I play sports and games 24/7.
Replays: NA

Denied, use more effort in the application.

Originally Posted by ShockyFish View Post
Hi, my name is Ian and I am 15 years old. I am a Black Belt, and I usually go on TB daily, so I give my in-game and forum activity 9 and 7, respectively. I was in Smile for almost a year, then left because the leader was horribly rude and the clan was dying. I want to join Mythology because I want to be a part of a strong, active clan, with actual rules and stuff. I found Mythology by looking on the clan list and then clicking on your name, and then reading about it. I can contribute to Mythology by being an active, slightly skilled member and bringing fun and humour to everyone. My favourite mods are Judo, ABD, and any Mushu/Wushu variant. I've never been banned or reprimanded for anything to my knowledge. You can reach me via Skype, Facebook, text, PM me, etc., but I'll wait until I'm accepted to give them out. I really enjoy gaming, but I also experiment with coding and robotics.
Unfortunately for me, I usually only record funny replays, but hopefully these will do.

Accepted, testing him ingame
Originally Posted by NewbsKilla View Post
My username is Newbskilla and am 13 years old. Im a black belt and have been playing for 5ish months. I would say my In game activity is 8 i frequently play in my free time and forum acticity is like a 2 i barely come onto the forums.My previous clans were Night Raid, and ZeRoyals I think its called but I got kicked cause this was when i started getting into cs:go. I chose mythilogical cause I liked its name XD. And no i dont have any bans and I own teamspeak.
Something about me is I like anime. Fin.

Originally Posted by tdawggs View Post
hi my name is teig and i want to join your clan, i am an elite belt Kappa

Last edited by Bonzi; Dec 14, 2015 at 11:34 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump


My real name is Emily, and I'm 19 and in Uni. My belt is 4th dan, but I DO kinda feel like my skill level is above 4th dan.... I am VERY active in-game and getting less shy on the forums, so over all activity is a positive for me. I have had a few of previous clans, but the ones I was joining were dying. I want to join you because I feel as if the community here is humble and welcoming. I feel like you should pick me due to the reason that I'm very active ingame and I like to help new people out. I found Mythology through seeing some awesome people in this clan, and also a recruitment server ;p.
I could contribute to you by taking parts in wars when I am on, helping new clan members once I get the hang of things around here. Some of the mods that I adore / I am good at include any mods that have aikido in them, mushu, taekkyon, joustingfixed and torisex <3
I've never had any bans before, I probably never will (probably) but I do shitpost now and again so I do get an infrac every now and again. I can't help it though ;c.
You can add me on skype officialTimBurton - Heh, I hope you know who that is ;p
There's nothing special about this little gal.
You say replays are not needed so I will post them anyway.
Attached Files
midnight.rpl (51.6 KB, 4 views)
darthgay.rpl (74.9 KB, 4 views)
head hunt.rpl (43.6 KB, 1 views)
rip hed.rpl (43.9 KB, 1 views)
deeeezse savess.rpl (63.0 KB, 1 views)
Join the Cool Kids
Smallbowl is Sexist
Real Name: Eric

Belt: Black (49 away from 2nd Dan!)

Age: 10

How active are you in-game? : Play about 5/7 days a week

How active are you on the forums : I barely go on forums, only for stuff like applying.

If you aren't active on the forums, do you plan on being more active : Yes, definitely.

Previous clans, Reason for leaving : I have a large history of clans, TFR, kicked for not being active on forums, Z68, left because I was frustrated at another clan member, Ripper, I wasn't satisfied on how they were accepting anybody who applied, also, they would invite everybody in a recruitment lobby, now here (hopefully)

Why did you pick to join us : Because you guys seem like a great clan with good members.

Why should we pick you : I am skilled in mushu box, ABD, aikido, and mushu. (okay, maybe not mushu)

How did you find Mythology: A recruitment lobby.

How you can you contribute to us: By being active in war.

Favorite mods : 1. ABD, 2. Aikido, 3. MushuBox 4. Mushu

Any bans/infractions? : None.

Other means of reaching you (ex. Skype) : Gmail, I can give you that info later...

Something you find interesting about yourself as a person : I like hockey?

Thank you
Originally Posted by ForLivez View Post
Real Name: Eric

Belt: Black (49 away from 2nd Dan!)

Age: 10

How active are you in-game? : Play about 5/7 days a week

How active are you on the forums : I barely go on forums, only for stuff like applying.

If you aren't active on the forums, do you plan on being more active : Yes, definitely.

Previous clans, Reason for leaving : I have a large history of clans, TFR, kicked for not being active on forums, Z68, left because I was frustrated at another clan member, Ripper, I wasn't satisfied on how they were accepting anybody who applied, also, they would invite everybody in a recruitment lobby, now here (hopefully)

Why did you pick to join us : Because you guys seem like a great clan with good members.

Why should we pick you : I am skilled in mushu box, ABD, aikido, and mushu. (okay, maybe not mushu)

How did you find Mythology: A recruitment lobby.

How you can you contribute to us: By being active in war.

Favorite mods : 1. ABD, 2. Aikido, 3. MushuBox 4. Mushu

Any bans/infractions? : None.

Other means of reaching you (ex. Skype) : Gmail, I can give you that info later...

Something you find interesting about yourself as a person : I like hockey?

Thank you


Originally Posted by 63n713 View Post

My real name is Emily, and I'm 19 and in Uni. My belt is 4th dan, but I DO kinda feel like my skill level is above 4th dan.... I am VERY active in-game and getting less shy on the forums, so over all activity is a positive for me. I have had a few of previous clans, but the ones I was joining were dying. I want to join you because I feel as if the community here is humble and welcoming. I feel like you should pick me due to the reason that I'm very active ingame and I like to help new people out. I found Mythology through seeing some awesome people in this clan, and also a recruitment server ;p.
I could contribute to you by taking parts in wars when I am on, helping new clan members once I get the hang of things around here. Some of the mods that I adore / I am good at include any mods that have aikido in them, mushu, taekkyon, joustingfixed and torisex <3
I've never had any bans before, I probably never will (probably) but I do shitpost now and again so I do get an infrac every now and again. I can't help it though ;c.
You can add me on skype officialTimBurton - Heh, I hope you know who that is ;p
There's nothing special about this little gal.
You say replays are not needed so I will post them anyway.

Last edited by Bonzi; Dec 15, 2015 at 05:10 PM.

mythology my real full name is Dustin raisor ive won three tourneays the I pickied you is im courious to what a clan war is like plus I nead help on honeing my skils and ive trired to join 3 other clans tekkan penta and ascend I play every day im a brown belt im rank 551 and I don't go out side often ive bean baned before by people hoo want a private match and I don't have Skype my age is 9 and a year ago I could rip apart uke body now I can decap and tear in half on multiplaer and snigle player how I found you was by roaming the fourms and im not her often my favorite mod is wushu I have not bean tested by you and I don't plan on being more active on the fourms but I can
im all so a brown belt
Last edited by sleap; Dec 18, 2015 at 10:27 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Originally Posted by sleap View Post
mythology my real full name is Dustin raisor ive won three tourneays the I pickied you is im courious to what a clan war is like plus I nead help on honeing my skils and ive trired to join 3 other clans tekkan penta and ascend I play every day im a brown belt im rank 551 and I don't go out side often ive bean baned before by people hoo want a private match and I don't have Skype my age is 9 and a year ago I could rip apart uke body now I can decap and tear in half on multiplaer and snigle player how I found you was by roaming the fourms and im not her often my favorite mod is wushu I have not bean tested by you and I don't plan on being more active on the fourms but I can
im all so a brown belt

Denied, needs more effort