My username speaks of magical unicorns that wield their powers with devastating efficiency.
Buy me food and tell me I'm cute.
My username comes from a dinosaur and my real name..well you can guess it from there
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
The majestic creature, the legendary animal, the leviathan of the almighty ocean, the god of fishes, THE DOUBLE DECKER BUS SIZED SPACE AND TIME DESTROYER, THE MOTHER FUCKING MACE OF GODS THAT SHALL SPLIT THE SUN IN TWAIN
kinda something like that
I like milk, but wanted a unique name I could use across different platforms.

so yeah, Mylk

11/10 Story
Originally Posted by Whale View Post
The majestic creature, the legendary animal, the leviathan of the almighty ocean, the god of fishes, THE DOUBLE DECKER BUS SIZED SPACE AND TIME DESTROYER, THE MOTHER FUCKING MACE OF GODS THAT SHALL SPLIT THE SUN IN TWAIN
kinda something like that

That was so dramatic I love it!!! ^_^
my name comes from chemistry.
its sad i know

Originally Posted by Whale View Post
the god of fishes

whales are mammals.