1. Name, age, gmt, and tell us about yourself. sharry im 19 my gmts im a good player but eh im just hoping i make the cut

2. Forum and in game activity. im on at lest 2-4 hours a day

3. Why you want to join the clan, and what you can contribute to the clan. i wish to get better its my dream to become a great toribash player and i create skins

4. Skype/steam/whatever you use. LastSinnerz

5. Favorite mods. aikido or mushu

6. i dont have alts

I wish to be one of the Cursed
Lastsinner, sorry it took me this long to respond to this, but I am going to tighten up on the applications. We need more active people in the clan. I mean I like your application, just I feel like you could elaborate and put more effort into it. Thus, I do not think your app is satisfactory.
Real Name: Dylan

Belt: Brown Belt

Age: 15

How active are you in-game? : I play Toribash ATLEAST 6/7 days a week.

How active are you on the forums : I will get on the Forums as much as i can and will often keep it open as i play.

If you aren't active on the forums, do you plan on being more active : As of now, i think i can be WAY more active and i'll do my very best to achieve that.

Previous clans, Reason for leaving : I have never been in a clan. (no alts either)

Why did you pick to join us : I've never been in a clan before and im trying to find cool people to play Toribash with.

Why should we pick you : I think i have a lot to offer, even as a Brown Belt, as i can be very helpful and i don't lose my temper ever!

How did you find Cursed: Well i'm mostly just jealous when i find people with super cool tags like [e], or [crooks], but through surfing the forums and seeing some cool people in servers (like larxe), i decided that this clan would be the best for me, and i realize that, sure the tag is cool, but i get to meet new cool people to hang out with.

How you can you contribute to us: I can help, play, and have fun with any one of the members and i can recruit (if necessary). I think i can do a lot for this clan, whether it's getting new members or winning wars!

Favorite mods :Aikido, Greykido, ABD (I'm a hold-all player). I suck at anything else but i'm willing to learn.

Any bans/infractions? : No bans/infractions.

Other means of reaching you (ex. Skype) : Skype- BUTTER-BAR

Something you find interesting about yourself as a person : I'm fun to hang to be around and i know how to have a good time, it's hard for me NOT to be respectful to others unless i'm offended, in which case i'm usually understanding. Although i may be a Brown Belt, i have come up with my own unique opener in Aikido, ABD, and Greykido, but i suck at anything else (i've won a judo tourn by luck) and I have Taken down 10th dan Black Belts and won some tourneys and i got rank 281 in a day after getting a streak of 10, but we all know rank doesn't really say much. Also, i'm a freshman in highschool, i play trombone as well as baritone (i want to learn bass) and have band on tuesdays, thursdays, play at friday football games, and will soon be going to competitions on saturdays. When im not playing my trombone im sleeping, eating, on the toilet, or just playing video games. So, if you couldn't tell already, i'm a no-life so you should know that i'm active ;).

Now that you know me and my boring life, i'd like to get to know yours!

ps: plz let me join i'm lonely ;(

pps: I might've given you a little too much information about myself, ill let you be the judge of that

1st File: This is obviously the best replay you've ever seen
2nd File: This is my own unique opener for the only mods im good at, aikido, greykido, ABD.... The replay is a little weak, best used when the other person is moving.
3rd File: Me actually tackling. This is probably the only replay that demonstrates my skill
4th: Watch at your own risk, this might actually kill you.

Thank you for taking the time to read my app (don't hold back on the criticism).
"I wish to be one of the cursed"
Attached Files
MyAikidoOpener.rpl (13.9 KB, 2 views)
tackled.rpl (46.8 KB, 2 views)
wtf omfg kill me now.rpl (48.8 KB, 2 views)
Last edited by HLPMEPLZ; Aug 30, 2016 at 02:30 AM. Reason: I said i was artistic... im not
u wan sum fok?
I like the app and I would accept you into Cursed. This is exactly what I want to see in applications. However, you lied because you said you've never been in a clan, yet you are in Tekken.
Alright time to start this app for the clan shall we?

My real life name is Riki Bersone also known as, well now Stixay "used to be Nethologal" and my time in Toribash has returned im usually active both forums and ingame because i market it's my daily thing to do is sell my items. But since i have this new account i cant so it'll be for mostly browsing until i buy TC heh. Also my gmt is 10:00 UTC Hawaii if that's a problem im sincerely sorry about it. As about me? im pretty much chill if you want my age its 15 so blah im still young as heck! But very mature in standards FeelsGoodMan! But ill be as your soldier i am always at your service when im on! Thats mostly about me

Now on to the next the, reason i want to join is because i am cursed i am in the darkness and shadows in like, my heart is pure black of all the lives i've taken during my years of murder... its catchy right!... Now what i would like to contribute is to help get the reputation of skill and free making types of deals i'm really nice overall so i can do it, it's my motivation everyday!

Since you're asking for my skype its Emi-Chanzuuuu~ exactly!
and steam is ✪ StixxaY
You're very welcome to add!

My favorite mods are basically ABD, XSpar, any Parkour, ErthtkV2, etc Rkmma stuff!!!! Yes im very intuitive!
Also i did have a main but i did lose the pass so this is my new main sorry if that's a problem ahaha~. Quoted on the Requirements "I Wish To Be One Of The Cursed" Since my life is the darkness of the deaths i have cause! Thank you for your time! Sincerely Stixay!
Name = ervin
age = 11
why i want to join = im feel alone with no clan
belt = brown
skill = 50% noob 50% pro
favorite mods = mushu.tbm and aikido
how long i play = more than twice than a week
i wish i to be on of the cursed
i came here cause i have test with a guy with black belt
and im passed
and i came here
i am not the forums but if i can, i try to read forums everyday
name in game = Savior2
Money now = 700 tc
i have colorful skin
what i can bring to cursed = skill, sometimes i can donate money ( if i have ), respect, and my intention
i have no steam, but i will make one
hope im be the one of cursed
im forgot, im not alt
just get lucky in all fight
Last edited by Savior2; Sep 1, 2016 at 01:12 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Vipercat if you're going to help at least tell them why you rate it what you do. Also, I will be working with Larxse to make the recruitment example and to make recruiting better/harder.