Username: HLPMEPLZ
Belt: Almost 2nd Dan
Alts: 1. DikEater (i go on it when im hella bored
Fav Mods: Aikido, ABD, and Greykido (im learning lenshu and kinda mushu)
About Me: Use to play football, now i don't. By day, im a badass trombone player. By night, i have no life. Overall i'd say im fun to be around, i have a good sense of humor, but i can be pretty boring. In toribash im up for whatever, just hmu but im shit at judo. You should accept me because i have no life oncesoever so you can count on me to participate in wars, circle jerks, or anything you want me too !

"Love Puppies"
Last edited by HLPMEPLZ; Jan 15, 2017 at 02:39 PM. Reason: Fuck me
u wan sum fok?
Hi! My name is Prolexdex123 but my real name is Kaua
so i have 11 years old and this is my current account and my previos account is Pronoob2005 and my favorite mods is: Xpar,Mushu,wushu,aikido,Boxshumushy,boxshuwushu,Pa rkour maps,

and all the time i am on the computer lel And I also have some time to play outside

And i will say something: i just started to play toribash when i has 6 years old and when i play this game for the first time I was in love with toribash lel and with 7 year old i buy my first texture and that motivated me to play more and more so in 2014 i buy my 3 texture and that texture make me happy 1 texture = make me happy!

I love kittens
HI i am lilfishy1 im an aikido player i play golf as a hobby i have two cats :3.
and i love kittens :3 my previous accounts were jyhgtfreds and skorgester,i have lost the password and the accounts.
hey my name is ambrogino or ambro for short. i l0ve toribash and all its weirdness and characters you meet in the lobbies. i love to see active clans and am available on skype.

i am almost a 3rd dan black belt. best mods are abd, boxshu, greykido, and judo.

warring is stuff that i like to do. i have no alts. have been in vamp. pred. cursed. they all died out. still waiting for the one that sticks! maybe this can be it!

i bought a 512 head texture so that whre most of my tc's have gone

outside of tb i go to school full time. this semester is goning to be easy tho so ill have time. i love watching football and stroking kittens to the sounds of orphan tears.

i toribash good... goodly

My name is Ismael. It's melisa jumbled up.... anyway I like cats, I'm decent at toribash, I support the legalization marijuana which may or may not imply that I smoke it, Scratch "I like cats" I fucking love cats and I can do like 12 ball juggles so that's pretty cool i guess...hope i made this application as cringy and awkward as possible thank you for your time and also why are you still reading this? I'm done.
Back and black with my caucasian asian BIATCH