Original Post
YOUshop is finally here!

Some of these features are still not quite yet available. This is only the beta, so there are bound to be some bugs.

Please keep any discussion of YOUshop in this thread.
still, it isn't fair to people like me, who bought items while they were still worth more than 50% of their shop price.

I've lost tens or even one or two hundred K. :/
Gimp is Pimp(tm)

DarkJak's Wide-Range Texture Shop[LINK]

Incognito - [o]
it's like any market. The prices are determined by whoever sets the bar.
If people stop giving amAAAzzing deals, then people will buy less often.

All in all, if you put the same amount of time and effort into using youshop as you would have without it, you'll probably make the same amount or more.
ICOF Co-Founder/Leader. "Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head." - Euripedes
mmmhhh i can understnd that i know thats bad. i wasnt aiming at your post. more the one above me talking about 50%...
but yes youshop has kinda struck the old "market" (if you want to call it market). i wanted to explain why youshop is good for ppl being able to get colors for a stable and cheaper price more easily.

i believe you make a lot more. infact i´m making 2x-3x the amount per week as i did before mainly because trading with forums/toriexchange is really slow!

cu, thorac
Last edited by Thorac; Jan 2, 2009 at 05:58 AM.
http://www.pokerstrategy.com/u9BQT3 use this link and start playing. contact me and i ship you some $
Originally Posted by Kamil077 View Post
Wait a second...

Hampa's Knife is 2100% off? :O

Omg, that would mean it would be normal price-(2100×normal price) :O

Because something can't be more than 100% off, and 100% equals free XD
Last edited by Draus; Jan 4, 2009 at 03:37 AM.
http://draus.on.toribash.com <---please click that to help a poor player :P
-100% off means twice as costly as normal.

100% means it costs 0tc

-2100% off means Hampas Knife is being sold for 22 times it's original price.
ICOF Co-Founder/Leader. "Ten soldiers wisely led will beat a hundred without a head." - Euripedes
I ment, the original prize MINUS the original prize x 2100.

Fairly easy math there >_>

I only forgot to add the normal price :S
http://draus.on.toribash.com <---please click that to help a poor player :P
Originally Posted by Thorac View Post
i totally disagree!
the torishop prices are way too high(not only promo), i believe its to take money out of the game to prevent inflation...just guessing here; those prices are really messed up. but changing them would not be fair to the ppl that purchessed items from there. thats probably why they arent corrected.
the reason why you could sell items for 50% or even more was due to people selling on forums and toriexchange which made it hard to compare prices (two different systems and locations)! the problem with the location is, lot of ppl didnt know one of them, many ppl (talking about players lower than blackbelt) dont even register at the forums... . toriexchange was a quite a pain to do any trading at. meaning you had fewer ppl at one market, equaling higher prices.
now with youshop you can compare prices more easily and since its the main trading plattform now, there is only one market! with more items available, an easier to handle plattform and more people using it. this makes for a better competion and leads ultimatly to lower prices.
this market is regulating itself pretty well i blelieve. now look at colors like vampire, ppl like it and there´s been a good demand for it since i startet playing, although its a fairly cheap color. prices for it have been consistent regulated by demand and supply. and its been not hit too hard by beiing promo... . which leads to another problem: promo. promo and the rediculous torishop prices (why make them so high if they´re sold out anyway?) for those items make it hard for ppl to determin the real value of the new sets.
wow ok, this is too much bla bla bla, i stop here. too tired to actually ad quality to this post

what i actually wanted to say is the only reasons you were able to sell overpriced items to ppl before youshop were:
- a lot less items being sold!
- it was a lot of work to compare prices!

thats it, thorac

OHMYGAWD did you seriously have to write that much to make your point!?! never red so much in 1 minut
uh yeah sry about that i was really tired at that point and just started typing and typing and typing.... i actually erased have of it as soon as i noticed what i was doing.
well i guess after reading all that you deserve to buy something at my shop :P

sry for being off-topic!
here for consolation: youshop rulez

cu, thorac
http://www.pokerstrategy.com/u9BQT3 use this link and start playing. contact me and i ship you some $