guys im back, sorry for inactivity, i had a metric ton of work,litterally,we had to fill up these papers about the airport shit, the reddisons disease caused us 2 wait 1 more day in dubai to take a trip from there straight back home, so we had a lot of pressure on my dads back, he got a refund of the flight, and yea, i still have a buttload of work to do so i think putting me in the RIP section for now is the best choice, i wont quit this game.
Hey guys just checking up on the clan to see how you all are. Also whats the situation on becoming official?
Matarika>MOOOOOOVE OVER Megan Fox
Originally Posted by xRegalia View Post
SJ !!
its been so long .-.
how are you?
what did you do the since we last met?

Originally Posted by acjudoka View Post
Hello Sj! How have you been? Haven't seen u in a while

Originally Posted by fragray View Post
i am still kicking sj ;) how about you ? coming back to tb?

Nah, I ain't coming back, just checking in if you're still alive and kicking. Afterall you're all my friends still ^^

But yeah I'm good Haven't done much just been sitting here, going out with gf and seeing some friends, nothing much, practicing for my car license tho.

Just one quiestion to all of you, what do you think of w10 if you got it? I like it tbh, I've only used windows 7 but I like 10 a lot.
I'm not sure what's happening anymore
Tbh i wasn't able to update steam with my old windows 7 but with windows 10 I can, I don't know why.. it feels fishy for some reason
I'm not sure what's happening anymore