Endurance Onslaught 6.0
Originally Posted by kball View Post
Never had that happen to me yet. I must be lucky? lol

I Was happy i finnally did good in a match and did you see the scores? lol I thought it would be better to put them away.

And Im still trying to figure out alistar hes not like the other champions i have used

You should play malphite, he's very rewarding to play once you hit level 6, especially when you're new.
Hmm I will buy malphite next do you have any tips for ranged champions?
¤Team Wushu Tier 5 ¤
"Roses are red, violets are blue, faces like yours belong in the zoo. Don't be mad, I'll be there too. Not in the cage but laughing at you.".

Originally Posted by kball View Post
Hmm I will buy malphite next do you have any tips for ranged champions?

Learn to last hit. Any champion who's ranged either needs a very large amount of gold, or very little. Last hitting is a good way to get gold.

Other than that, it matters which champ. Some ranged champs are ad based, with those learn their ranges and how mobile they are. You want to be close enough to do damage, but far enough to avoid getting caught. Typically, these champs do most of their damage from auto attacks, so that's the range you should work with.

AP based champs, learn to last hit, cause it's hard with low ad at the beginning. Learn to manage your mana so you keep your spells available. Learn how to farm with your spells without draining yourself of mana. And learn the ranges of the spells and how to setup combos.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by ChuckNinja View Post
I still cant believe how stupid Twisted fate becomes when playing with a premade team.

Like, play with a shen jungle and do a fucking 2 man teleport whenever someone in the the side lanes overextends.

Shen top, TF mid, Noc jungle and ADC has teleport and global ult.

"You gank one of us, you gank all of us!"

Only our CC bot (Support Ali) didn't have any global pressure. I had like 0/0/1 stats untill teamfight phase. (But I had thrice the farm of their support!!!) :<

Almost as fun as poke comps with Trundle jungle. ..Well, for all other than Trundle that is. ;_;
Stellar, Cait is so easy to play, I suck at adc yet my first game with her I went 14/4, with a fucking Yi support

and even Devil did well as her but its because I'm such an amazing Shen support, it was all me (don't listen to him he is a liar)
Originally Posted by Dargon View Post
Shen top, TF mid, Noc jungle and ADC has teleport and global ult.

"You gank one of us, you gank all of us!"

Only our CC bot (Support Ali) didn't have any global pressure. I had like 0/0/1 stats untill teamfight phase. (But I had thrice the farm of their support!!!) :<

Almost as fun as poke comps with Trundle jungle. ..Well, for all other than Trundle that is. ;_;

Global comps are weak in teamfights, so all the enemy has to do is get a hard engage team and just force fights mid.
Summoner Name: Transfer to NA
Originally Posted by j4nd0 View Post
Global comps are weak in teamfights, so all the enemy has to do is get a hard engage team and just force fights mid.

If you have Morde you just clear too fast.
I tried logging in and it was a 10 minute wait time because so many people were logging on at the same time.
And my new favorite champion is shen hes perfect for my play style.
Since im a nub and im still learning he seems pretty easy to handle and his ability to help teammates is pretty sweet.
¤Team Wushu Tier 5 ¤
"Roses are red, violets are blue, faces like yours belong in the zoo. Don't be mad, I'll be there too. Not in the cage but laughing at you.".

im so pro *.*
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