Originally Posted by RKG View Post
acid in the restock is 8k
hunter 4k

10k for both, take it or leave it. You're basically getting the acid for 6k and hunter for 4k

Originally Posted by NinjaBent View Post
Persian force - 28k
Vamp lax - 8k
Vamp force - 8k
Marine force - 800tc
Marine lax - 800tc
Gaia lax - 600tc
Cobra lax - 12.5k
Supernova force - 28k

If those offers are high then haggle :O
Trades are accepted.

Persia Force 18k
Originally Posted by NinjaBent View Post
Persia force 25k


Originally Posted by addicted View Post
can u do somewhere near 4.5k?

3k is my max :[
ok meet in the middle at 3.75k
and i wont have to this to make money
Last edited by addicted; Feb 26, 2011 at 08:45 PM.