Originally Posted by BA11EY07 View Post
Hey guys just wondering if anyone could make me a drum kit mod, I'm willing to pay up to 75,000TC.

The drums would have to be square, since there's no flat cylinders.
Originally Posted by MrPoptart View Post
The drums would have to be square, since there's no flat cylinders.

Make it even more awesome and make some LUA drum Sticks that play a prerecorded sound when they touch a certain place(the drums) with different sounds for each drum and customized drum stick colors

there i just gave you the best idea ever, now make it happen
Helge Sverre - System Developer
Originally Posted by MrPoptart View Post
I don't script, so I'm not even sure how possible that is, but I am sure how awesome it would be.

Blam your skills are needed
Helge Sverre - System Developer
can someone make a snowboarding mod that is like a big air jump ( if u dont know what a big air jump is then its just one biiiig!! jump and a landing) and make it so both feet are hooked in to the snowboard because the other mods are halfpipe things that have no jump and u just crash into each other and i really dont like it please pm me if u have any questions or if u wanna do it or somethin
I personally would love a top-hat (With a nice trim around the hat.) mod. Literally something exactly like aikido or wushu but with nice hats. I'd be willing to pay a good amount if the mod got approved.

Something like this:

Originally Posted by Stickicide View Post
There needs to be a Ninja Warrior mod
That would be so cash

I'm pretty sure there are a bunch of ninja warrior mods. Or at least I remember someone making a series of them. If the search function was working I'd try to find them for you.
Originally Posted by JinxZ View Post
I personally would love a top-hat (With a nice trim around the hat.) mod. Literally something exactly like aikido or wushu but with nice hats. I'd be willing to pay a good amount if the mod got approved.

Something like this:

Originally Posted by MrPoptart View Post
there're no flat cylinders.

Originally Posted by Stickicide View Post
There needs to be a Ninja Warrior mod
That would be so cash

Fucking agreed.Someone get on a ninja warrior mod.